
I plan on taking down a few of my stories to properly add, edit, and pretty much do whatever I need too in order to have an efficient stories. Some with be discontinued until others have been updated enough to last my readers a good while. So I hope y'all aren't too mad!! I love my readers though!!! <3


I plan on taking down a few of my stories to properly add, edit, and pretty much do whatever I need too in order to have an efficient stories. Some with be discontinued until others have been updated enough to last my readers a good while. So I hope y'all aren't too mad!! I love my readers though!!! <3


Thanks for following babe! 


@Stoner4Lifebby  you should message me love


On life I hate when people apologize but then don't want to speak to you again...I mean what did I ever do to you, let me think absolutely nothing that's what! I beomce your friend but then you treat me like crap okay I see how it is...don't worry you ain't hurting my feelings because who wants someone as a friend who constantly hurts them repeatedly and say sorry and never talk to you again? Not me (¬_¬)ノ You people can hate me but I'm not let it destroy me. I'm do me and you do you plain and simple.