
Hello everyone. I have a few things to say. First! Happy new year! 
          	I am incredibly sorry about how long I haven't updated any of my books. I have been going through an extremely stressful and emotional time at the moment, and it been very busy as well. I'll try to get writing so I can post as soon as possible.


Thank you for the follow! :))


@Xx_Fallen_Ones_xX Awh thank you so much! I’m going to update either today or tomorrow and yeah some of the models are gorgeoussssss XD


@Drac-hoe-no no problem! I really enjoy your amazing writing skills and the photos u had lele


Hey! I'm so sorry if this bothers you by commenting on your message board. 
          If you're interested would you please be able to check out my debut Josh Dun book. If not, have a nice day!! 


@migranejwd Its totally fine, Id love to check out your book! 


Hello everyone. I have a few things to say. First! Happy new year! 
          I am incredibly sorry about how long I haven't updated any of my books. I have been going through an extremely stressful and emotional time at the moment, and it been very busy as well. I'll try to get writing so I can post as soon as possible.


это сообщение может быть оскорбительным
FUCKING HELL!! MY DADS GF'S DAUGHTER IS COPYING EVERYTHING I DO!! SAME CLOTHES, SAME EVERYTHING!  She changed into the same jumper i have, cus she has one to. Then during the ads she changed into biker pants,  what i was wearing. Then the next ad she put on the same shorts as me!


Hello, can you guys please go follow my two instagram accounts. 
          @emonesstrash  and @crazylildemon666
          Please, i also really want to build like i forgot what it is called. But like I want people who actully keep up with my posts or something, and like watches my lives.


Changed my username again!
           old ones were:
          Night_Of_Death and Themurdrusflower2
          Anyone want some free usernames, most of them are p!atd based..