
          	Thank you so much! It really means a lot!


Hi! Thank you so much for all the support with Perfect. Thank you for following, as well. I really appreciate it <3


No problem at all! I really really liked it! And I read it all in one stretch. I really hate commenting on the app, which is why I didn't, so I'll just tell you now: I absolutely loved the characters  and the way that you described them. They were so real. And Xander. I can't even. All in all, it was such a. Beautifully written book :)


oh youre talking to a spelling bee champ. lolol. i only lost cuz the kid next to me had them written on his hand >:( 
          but honestly.. i never study..like ever. i know it sounds bad since i have like all A+'s but relly i dont. 
          BUT !!! if you study the night before, DONT STAY UP LATE, but eat some eggs before going to sleep, itll help  LOTTTTT. 
          eggs refresh your mempry and make it last longer, 
          sleeping on time right after studying prolongs memory and gives you a better thinking process and s o yeah.. :) 
          get a spelling bee book (the company has one) and study from that :)