
Oof sorry if you read my story "The Youtube World" for the past 2 or 3 weeks I switched over to my phone to write. Well it seems that when I switched over to my phone. everything has be going wild. I got chapter 9 done and tried to publish it last weekend. But it keeps on publishing the note I had written if I could write chapter 9 fast enough. So it seems you guys are just gonna have to deal with my being dumb and trying to figure out what is going on


Oof sorry if you read my story "The Youtube World" for the past 2 or 3 weeks I switched over to my phone to write. Well it seems that when I switched over to my phone. everything has be going wild. I got chapter 9 done and tried to publish it last weekend. But it keeps on publishing the note I had written if I could write chapter 9 fast enough. So it seems you guys are just gonna have to deal with my being dumb and trying to figure out what is going on


It's a sad day when we as American citizens can't just go out as we like. Today my heart goes out to those who was in the mass shooting. It's horrible that the LGBT community gets attack just because they have different taste in people. People need to grow up and let everyone do what they want without death and guns!! 


Ughhh! I just finished a great book that made me cry because the main character just ups and die to save the world. The in the last chapter you find out that this a sequel and I'm just sitting over here like"NOPE!! NOPE!! NOPE!! NOPE!! SEQEULS RUINS BOOKS AND MOVIES!" But a little of me wants to read it because the first book was amazing. But I learn not to get your hopes up with sequels....