
          	So Wattpad has been making a bunch of new changes lately without asking what us as its users want, or if they do, they don't do it. I have not found one person who likes the new profiles so I'm guessing you guys don't like them either. So we should protest right?YES 
          	My friend @BillTemple1957 has started a petition to Wattpad to stop making these changes without our input. They will soon be changing the works page too, and from what I saw of the preview, it's just as stressful to use as finding a message on the profile page in amongst the list of everything everyone's been doing. Also they will be narrowing the categories to one choice per story, so basically screwing over poets and short story writers, as well as anyone who has a story that doesn't fit in just one category. They are also slowly limiting our communication. They made messages impossible to find, they took off the status bar, what's next? Our private messages? Then what? 
          	So please, people of the world, help us with this petition and make Wattpad remember that we are in face people who have an opinion and are here to share our writing, and that we don't want this to become just another Facebook wanna be. 


          So Wattpad has been making a bunch of new changes lately without asking what us as its users want, or if they do, they don't do it. I have not found one person who likes the new profiles so I'm guessing you guys don't like them either. So we should protest right?YES 
          My friend @BillTemple1957 has started a petition to Wattpad to stop making these changes without our input. They will soon be changing the works page too, and from what I saw of the preview, it's just as stressful to use as finding a message on the profile page in amongst the list of everything everyone's been doing. Also they will be narrowing the categories to one choice per story, so basically screwing over poets and short story writers, as well as anyone who has a story that doesn't fit in just one category. They are also slowly limiting our communication. They made messages impossible to find, they took off the status bar, what's next? Our private messages? Then what? 
          So please, people of the world, help us with this petition and make Wattpad remember that we are in face people who have an opinion and are here to share our writing, and that we don't want this to become just another Facebook wanna be. 


Hello everyone who is now following this account!
          I am here to announce that I will be closing down this account in a while. I have not yet got all the stuff off it yet (I kinda want to save Daydreams and RoaRHG and havent got them on my google drive yet) so when i get all that done, I will be deleting this account
          BUT if you still want to follow me, i will say this again, my new account is @DayDreamer58
          No, I will not be putting anything from here up on there, at least i dont think so. I might put up Lonely Lullaby but i dont know... I have a lot of things going on.
          so ya, I will be leaving. I think i've let this account sit here untouched for long enough. Its time for it to go


@NikkiG86 hey, so you were a fan of lonely lullaby? I just started putting it back up on my new profile, @DayDreamer58, so um, ya, have a nice day. :)
            PS. Here's the link to Lonely Lullaby http://www.wattpad.com/86029065-lonely-lullaby-adam-young-owl-city-fanfic-lonely?utm_source=web&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_info&ref_id=16606168


@NikkiG86 sorry, i'm working on taking everything down. I might put it back up after november on my new account. Right now I'm working on nanowrimo, but after that I'm going to start going over some of my older stories like that one, but I really wasnt planning on putting it back up. You're the first person who's asked.


          everyone. Yes, all of you. IM BACK (for a few seconds to send this)
          Remember a while back I kept annoying you by asking you to read the whisper books by @BillTemple? Yes I bet some of you do. Well he wrote 3 (or 4 if you count Emmeline) books in that series and is now thinking about writing another. So what I need from you:
          1. Go check out the whisper books + Emmeline 
          (Whisper (Book 1) - http://www.wattpad.com/story/6947115-whisper
          Whisper Reborn (Book 2) - http://www.wattpad.com/story/8267050-whisper-reborn
          Whisper Childhood (Book 3) - http://www.wattpad.com/story/9779021-whisper-childhood
          Emmeline (Book 3.5) - http://www.wattpad.com/story/8151303-emmeline )
          2. Go vote for the next Whisper story 
          ( VOTE! - http://www.wattpad.com/36672468-whisper-will-there-be-a-fourth-book )
          3. Go fan @BillTemple . He is my favorite author on here, and he is a really awesome guy. I mean who else could write 4 books in a series in less than a year? And while you are on his page, check out some of his poetry and his granddaughter in his profile pic and background (she is soooooo cute) (yes, I am bribing you with baby pictures. Get over it.) 
          But really, he is an awesome writer. Please go check him out :)
          Thank you
          I love you all,


hey you
          yes you
          so. this is to ask you to read my friends story. it is not your typical story, in fact... it is very different. 
          but it is a really good story.
          so if you please, could you take a minute and read the unknown: a trilogy by @jjman070
          here is the link
          it would mean a lot because he is thinking about not writing it anymore and i think he should keep writing it (mainly because i want to know how the story ends)
          so pleeeeaaasasssseeeeeeeee
          i love you minions


hello everyone.
          my new account is @LeahIsMe15
          I do not follow back, if I follow you, its because you are my friend or I am a fan of your work or I just want to know what your up to. so this new account will not end up with almost 400 people that I don't care about and am following. 
          I will no longer follow new people with this account. im leaving my stories up (except defending Julian because I am continueing it on my new account. I will leave a little bit here for a teaser thing but ya)
          so yep. that's what I have to say. I will be finishing RoaRHG by the 11th and then this account will go inactive