
Hey y’all! I’m coming home from Vacation tonight sadly! But the good news is that I will be writing new chapters for TKT (which thank you all for your patience). Another thing is that I took down NLF for the time being. Just making changes and writing more for that. I will be posting a Avengers one shot book in a few days so hopefully y’all will enjoy that! If you have any requests you can DM me or put it under this announcement! (Also put if you would like to be tagged or not!). Love you all and thank you for your patience with my hectic self!❤️❤️ 


Hey y’all! I’m coming home from Vacation tonight sadly! But the good news is that I will be writing new chapters for TKT (which thank you all for your patience). Another thing is that I took down NLF for the time being. Just making changes and writing more for that. I will be posting a Avengers one shot book in a few days so hopefully y’all will enjoy that! If you have any requests you can DM me or put it under this announcement! (Also put if you would like to be tagged or not!). Love you all and thank you for your patience with my hectic self!❤️❤️ 


Please don’t add my book onto your mean reading list. For example “books that are just too horrible” “books I don’t want to finish reading”. I write what I want to write. If you don’t like it I’m sorry. But don’t try to bring my story or myself down because of it.  I never expect for you to like it but please don’t add it to your childish reading list. 


@XxAuroraxX15 girllll, mute them instantly. Avoid those toxic people. You can strive without them. 


@theblckbarbie that's dramatic... you're doing too much


Who wanna eat me out?


@sensual3vans come and find out ;)


girl i’ll be about 2-4 business days late, but i bet you it’s worth it