
Welp....I'm now officially heartbroken....I just finished Season 2 of Voltron Legendary Defender...and now I'm going to cry myself to sleep and pray that Season 3 comes out soon...


Can't wait until you update 'Equivalent Exchange' best Edward Elric x reader story ever made!!!! I know you're going on haiti's for a while and I'm a very patient person but I'm still excited.
          I know i'm thinking too far ahead but I'm really excited about when you get to the parts on when they have to fight scar Oh! And if they go meet Izumi Curtis. SO EXCITED ITS A SHAME!!!
          Ok, i'm calm now. I just wanted to thank you for writing such a great story and also writing the one-shots, their so cute! 
          I hope you return soon! 


@xxxLoveRaphaelxxx OMG dude I think the same way I can't wait till we reach those parts!


Awww, thank you so much!!! I'm glad ur enjoying the story and one shots.
            I hopefully won't be on hiatus for long, I'm trying to get past this 2nd semester the best I can so I will get the next chapter out as soon as I can.
            Anyway, Thank you so much again! This is absolutely sweet of you and thank you for being so patient 
            ~XxAnimeButterflyxX ❤️❤️❤️