
Hello everyone. Been a while hasn’t it? I’m writing this to inform you guys of two things. 
          	1. Yes, I’m still writing stuff. But it’s not on this account. When I first left it was because of the pressure of not only school but also the pressure of continuously putting out new chapters 
          	2. I am using another account to write stories which I may update some of the books from here over there. The account name is Red Fire Phoenix or @Xtreme64889


Hello everyone. Been a while hasn’t it? I’m writing this to inform you guys of two things. 
          1. Yes, I’m still writing stuff. But it’s not on this account. When I first left it was because of the pressure of not only school but also the pressure of continuously putting out new chapters 
          2. I am using another account to write stories which I may update some of the books from here over there. The account name is Red Fire Phoenix or @Xtreme64889


I am live on Twitch. Watch at https://www.twitch.tv/redfirepheonix for a fun time of gaming. Don't forget the popcorn!


@MattMccallum  its account is dead, he will not longer be writing here.


@Xtreme64998 are you going to update your yugioh arc v story or is that discontinued?


Not to be rude when are you going to update the yugioh arc v book


@Kingjax2006 you have nothing to be sorry about


Most of you who are fans of RWBY and follow what's happening with Rooster teeth, and about them wanting everyone to remove their fanart, fanfics, and fan animations. Until I know a bit more on this, I'm going unpublish my RWBY x Male Scorpion Reader. I'll still be writing it until this situation either goes into what they want or they drop it.


@Laxus_Dreyar_ I’m not 100% sure but it’s something that has to do with Rooster Teeth filing something lawsuits against people to post fan made stuff of RWBY 


Do you think you can write an Arc V x wmale reader fanfic where the main character has monsters from redakai?


Just look up Redakai conquer the kairu, they have some awesome monsters. Like metanoid, frostock and harrier.


@odinator I'm not 100% what Redakai is. Sadly I've never watched that anime