
The new theme for Bedman? in GGST is incredible and it made me change my entire view of Bedman in a cool way. It was so good I kept I had to put at least a part of my vision to the screen and ended up making this:


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I was reading a story and you guys know how I correct grammar, yeah? The dude who wrote the story blocked me LMAO.
          That's some pussy shit fr.
          If you block someone over something as tame as correcting grammar, I'd hate to see how you take actual criticism to your story. Some real immature attitude like this will inhibit your improvement. That's all, just a thought.


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I keep forgetting I have this app. It's like a cycle where I'll get a random notification, open the app, decide I wanna read some stories and/or keep writing my Ghost Rider fic but then after a day I kinda forget and lose the motivation and go on to do other things. Then a couple months go by and it happens again.
          All I can say is there are some short stories I've had written since 2019 that I'll eventually transcribe to PC and publish on here on that Spellbook Library "book" I made a while back. I THINK I had some stuff written for the next chapter of the Ghost Rider story but I need to check and at some point finish and revise it. I'm a little sad I lost the motivation to do that fanfic universe idea shit that I thought of all those years ago too.
          With the way the MHA Manga is going I've lost a lot of interest in it so I'm thinking that once I EVENTUALLY AND SLOWLY get to around the end of where Season 4 ended I'll end the Ghost Rider fic and work on other shit or potentially do a re-imagining but with the BETTER MHA manga: Vigilantes. But who knows as that one is still ongoing and I am like half-way thru it so far.
          I will ATTEMPT to AT LEAST log on once a month and either give updates on what I'm doing/have been doing, plans for any stories, if any, and maybe post either one of those short stories or chapters to Ghost Rider fic.
          Happy New Year's everyone! And who knows, I'll find out if what all I just said comes to pass hahaha.


Yo, hi, hello, greetings, salutations, what's up, how are you doing?


I'm just random and cringe. Ignore me.


@CringeClown idk why you're asking me that when you went to my message board to ask me how I am.
            Also who is Gordan?


Hello Gordan!


You dead


Yeah pretty much. Havem't really used Wattpad in a whiiiiiiile