
Its well past 2 am and the fable brainrot is hitting so many prisonduo thoughts-


Ok so ive got a title im gonna think about it, but you can expect a story probably this week. (Fables of the Multiverse is my current titles bc its kind of multiverse but not really but  idk maybe something else. Now that i think about it definitely something else. Secrets of our City? Bc yknow vigilante secrets?)(im rambling)(titles are hard okay)( Powerful Secrets? Nahhhh) (The Secrets of Smp City)(no cuz the city just does not have a name) (Fables of a Secret City)(Fables of a Secret Life)(ohhh i kinda like that) (Watching from the shadows)(hmmmmm thats not a hint for something at all)(ill just go now)


So some people asked about the wilbur thing, here's a quick summary:
           Shelby did a Stream talking about an ex that abused her. Didn't NAME the ex, but there were enough details for it to point toward Wilbur. There was biting and disrespected "no" and disrespected safewords amoung other things
          Social media war between "don't specultate" crowd and "it's obviously him" crowd.
          Wilbur posted a PR sounding statement that confirm he was the ex, but that didn't cover exactly what was done and brushed a "I thought the biting was consensual, I have text saying it was"
          Ccs have spoken their support to Shelby and trashed Wilbur's "apology" (once again, it feel more like a PR statement addressing the allegation more than an apology)
          Other people are demanding some Ccs to give their opinion (Phil and Tommy who are both not online, Phil being in vaycay and Tommy out of surgery and focussing on tour and both probably big in shock)


Tommy said he will adress everything when he's ready (mind you he just had surgery) and to support shelby


Captain Puffy:
            I've seen a lot of viewers in the mcyt community call themselves stupid, naive and or feel embarrassed or shamed for admiring and idolizing some creators who have unfortunately turned out to be really bad people. Seeing this really hurts my heart because it's not your fault and it's not your responsibility.
            As a kid who grew up in the mcyt community and used it as my own solace and safe space to get through tough times, I'm sorry that it so frequently gets tainted for you. Please don't become disenchanted with enjoying mcyt as a safe space because of it.
            It isn't your fault for not seeing the signs in someone who ultimately was meant to be a positive role model and set a good example in your life.
            No creator is perfect, and we will all make little mistakes here and there, but I'm so sorry that you get so frequently let down to such drastic levels and serious extremes, but please don't feel stupid because of their inexcusable behavior.
            This is something that's wrong with them and not you and ultimately I'm sorry they were in the position to become a potential role model for you in the first place as it's a privilege they haven't deserved or respected.
            I'm so beyond happy the mcyt community have people like Shelby to be an incredible role model for not only the viewers but her friends as well. I'm so beyond proud of her for speaking out and having the courage to do so as she's so positively impacted so many peoples lives because of it. #ShubbleSupportSquad
            I rarely speak about things because I overthink my own writing but seeing your tweets and replies really upset me. As a little kid whose life was so positively impacted by the mcyt community growing up it's so heartbreaking to not see you get to experience the same. I'm sorry that some creators have stolen that magic from you


            you started this off defending yourself by claiming you've changed, making it about YOU, then left the most simple yet most important thing for last: an apology
            and even then, your apology isn't an apology, you left it at "for any pain i've caused" which lacks any accountability