
Hey everyone. I just wanted to explain why I haven't been on here much and why, even when I am on here I don't really do anything. This past year my health has been really bad and the doctors have been trying to figure out what's going on with me, but haven't been very successful yet. Because of how bad my health is, I only really have the energy to do uni, and even that I'm barely getting through. The rest of my time is pretty much just split between watching tv and sleeping. When I come on here, it's pretty much just to check notifications.
          	Because there are people here that I really care about, I will try to update you all every now and again on what's going on. Hopefully next year I'll be well enough to do a bit more on here again.


Hey everyone. I just wanted to explain why I haven't been on here much and why, even when I am on here I don't really do anything. This past year my health has been really bad and the doctors have been trying to figure out what's going on with me, but haven't been very successful yet. Because of how bad my health is, I only really have the energy to do uni, and even that I'm barely getting through. The rest of my time is pretty much just split between watching tv and sleeping. When I come on here, it's pretty much just to check notifications.
          Because there are people here that I really care about, I will try to update you all every now and again on what's going on. Hopefully next year I'll be well enough to do a bit more on here again.


I need to know if this has happened to anyone else. You do something, someone sees and gives you a nickname based on what you did. After a while, you ask if they can call you by your name rather than the nickname, and they admit that they forgot what your name is, and that's why they kept referring to you as the nickname rather than your name.


I know I'm not really on here anymore, but I just had to share this random act of kindness that just happened. I was trying to park and in the area I'm in, you either have timed parking or paid parking. I went to this paid parking place where the gate is usually broken, figuring that if it wasn't I could still just pay. The gate wasn't broken and I discovered I didn't actually have enough to pay. I was going to reverse but then two cars came along. I told them the situation. The first person said we can all just reverse. Then the second person took one look at me and said she'd just pay for my parking and it was so kind and, in the off chance that you're the person who did that for me and you're reading this, I'd like to thank you a million times over.


I am experiencing a large dose of irony right now. When I first learnt about The Pill, all I knew about was its contraceptive purposes and was absolutely adamant that I didn't need to learn anything about it because I was certain I was never going to need it. Six years later and I have to go on The Pill to help with my iron deficiency.


Guys, I just did something I think I am going to regret for the rest of my life if anyone in my family finds out about it... I sent a message to Tom Hiddleston... thanking him for the roles he has played... but in particular, thanking him for his role as Prince Hal in the Hollow Crown... and explaining how it helped me through a tough time... and, like, I don't even know why I did it... and I started the message with "Hi Mr Hiddleston" and I feel like that's a really weird way to have started the message and HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Hey everyone. If you've been waiting on updates to any of my books, sorry. I was really busy with school and then I was away for two weeks and then Christmas happened and now I'm making a dress for my cousin for her first birthday. I am also starting at a new job on Tuesday and I start uni not long after so I don't know when I'll be able to complete any of my incomplete books. Sorry, again.


The struggles of an author.
          These are two questions I just had to ask for a novel I just started writing:
          Before I ask my question, this is purely for a story I'm writing. What does a frozen corpse look and feel like?
          How long does it take for a body frozen in ice to thaw? This is for a story I am writing.
          The struggles.


I’m so sorry idk tho. Google’s incognito tab may be of help if you so desire