
Update: It was indeed not a happy 2020


Happy Wednesday kiddos!  


@thatsliterallyme sorry about the yeah yeah im typing on a phone that hates meee


@thatsliterallyme yeah yeah 
            Aw im sorry would you like to talk about it?


            It needs to be FRIDAY already......


Don’t you love reading such a good book and then your teacher takes your phone because you were only “reading”.  So then you cant read the rest of the book or even worse, it didn’t close and your teacher sees what your reading and never looks at you the same way again.
          Happy Monday!!


Hello and happy Sunday to you all! Hope everything is is going good or better then normal for you guys!  All of you guys are loved and cared for if not by family or friends then by me and the other people on this account!! We love and support each and every one of you!!  We know some things can be difficult to cope with or a challenge to handle but we are here to help!! If you ever feel down or like no one cares us three are hear to help! Just dm us and either Lavender (myself and owner if page and the poems book), Sage (our lovely avid reader who helps with ideas), or Rose (the newest author here Thats currently writing a book!) will be there to help you out and support you!!  We have seen so many bad things happening to such amazing people and its very upsetting so just know we are here to help no matter the issue or who you are-we are ver accepting people and love to help!
          With that being said- make sure you guys are getting enough sleep, are eating at least a little something, the same goes for being hydrated, dont try to hurt yourself and believe you are worth it because you are and we all love you!!
          Have a happy Sunday everyone!!


@RealNatRomanoff so did we until i had this 


@Writing_Nerd_1017 This has nothing to do with anything you just said but I completely forgot that it was Sunday