
Since Wattpad DMs are gone... Anyone wanna join my discord server? 


Wattpad removing dms unless your affiliated is such a weird move. Like they already didn't want you doing read 4reads or advertisement spamming, but to do that move? Now they reduced chances for writers to connect or make friendships, which I have on this app. And  make it harder to network as a smaller author on this app. Ahhhhh


Would Y'all Watch Blog Vids I'd make of my writing while I work on my novel? like how it's going, or what I've learned so far from studying, or even advice if I have any etc? That way I won't just be radio silent again on my hiatus while I work on my novel


I've realized something Important---
          In the past several years I've been writing for an audience, my stubborn way of not planning much out at all makes for such a lackluster way of storytelling. And the past few days I've been relentlessly watching YouTube videos, making character charts to plan everything out with, etc.
          And omg the world building... I made so many plot holes without even realizing it just for myself. IM DONE JUST RANDOMLY POSTING IDEAS. 
          No wonder I don't value my writing, or feel like it's awful. If I don't put enough care into it how will people care about it? 


I may keep getting frustrated with myself and my story... But working on the side character novel definitely made me realize how unfinished the world for This Forsaken World is. I'm not taking a "break" but I will be working on story structure for once and my characters for the offical volume one... And then publish it after volume one is completely finished (✿^‿^)


Guys... Is my story interesting at all? I can never not feel overwhelmed by it all. I feel like every version I make is worse than the last. I can't make it interesting or good in my opinion. I want to cry ;-;


@Writer_Sama12 I will be honest, I will have to look at it in my own time ;-;


Here comes the next installment in the side characters series! This one features... (drum roll insert) Bane Nomura!! Hope you guys enjoy this next mini story, and I'll try to keep it shorter then the last one I promise!
          I just published "-1.0- (Bane's Belief)" of my story "Surviving This Forsaken World Vol. 1". https://www.wattpad.com/1403243667?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=Writer_Sama12&wp_originator=Qc7EG9pEExNwqNQSclCCEQ7qaVngHKFePt1QGYjmXeBemaARE1OXeoC0i9ZDTqisWxI6gyj8k7S%2F3VdeV51Hy0H5HJusQLHGt0J1Hua5KocU41PhUFueTn3CaI8FgM%2B9