
this message may be offensive
Hey everyone!
          	I'm so sorry for going MIA for a bit. A lot of shit has happened during the second half of exam season. Lots of medical shit happened, and well... nearly ended up in the hospital a few times and then a complete 180 change on medication (which I do not recommend doing what I did), so my body was all over the place. Basically, for the past few weeks, I felt as if I was going through hell.
          	I'm much more coherent now. My brain is no longer so fuzzy that I can concentrate long enough to understand what I'm thinking, so I'm back. Fingers crossed, I'll be back to regularly posting every Friday.
          	But I will warn you: I tried to edit these next few chapters during my weird medication fail fog, so it might be better. I don't know. Just a warning.
          	Sorry for the wait, and I hope you enjoy it.


That’s understandable and hope you feel better soon. 


@WriterAttHeart take your time and take care of yourself❤️


@WriterAttHeart hope your feeling better soon love! 


this message may be offensive
Hey everyone!
          I'm so sorry for going MIA for a bit. A lot of shit has happened during the second half of exam season. Lots of medical shit happened, and well... nearly ended up in the hospital a few times and then a complete 180 change on medication (which I do not recommend doing what I did), so my body was all over the place. Basically, for the past few weeks, I felt as if I was going through hell.
          I'm much more coherent now. My brain is no longer so fuzzy that I can concentrate long enough to understand what I'm thinking, so I'm back. Fingers crossed, I'll be back to regularly posting every Friday.
          But I will warn you: I tried to edit these next few chapters during my weird medication fail fog, so it might be better. I don't know. Just a warning.
          Sorry for the wait, and I hope you enjoy it.


That’s understandable and hope you feel better soon. 


@WriterAttHeart take your time and take care of yourself❤️


@WriterAttHeart hope your feeling better soon love! 


Hey everyone!
          It's been a hot minute, and I've been posting things on and off and haven't really been updating my Tumblr. Whoops.
          Here is a rundown of everything posted:
          1. Roommates - Larry Stylinson AU
          2. You Have Me - Sterek FanFic
          3. She's Learning - Wavier Fanfic
          4. Breaking Point - Wavier FanFic
          5. Piece of Art - Larry Stylinson AU (Chapters 1-3)
          6. I've Got You - Larry Stylinson AU
          As for new stuff coming out.
          1. Piece of Art, Chapter 4
          2. New book: How We Became Us - Sevasey FanFic (Chapter 1-2)
          I plan to post a new chapter of both stories every Friday and hopefully work on some new stuff. I have some new book ideas for different fandoms, but they might take a while.
          Sorry for being a bit MIA and also non-existent for a while, but I promise I didn't give up on writing.
          Either way, I hope you guys enjoy the one-shots and the new books I have coming out!
          All my love


Dо yоu publish оn Neobook ?


@kananierthzuw6 nvm, just figured it out. I have an account but since this is all fanfiction, I can't post it there. Thinking about changing the names and stuff and try to post as not a fanfiction.


Idk what Neobook is


Hey everyone!
          I posted "Second Chance - Sabriel FanFic" in my Supernatural One-shot book yesterday. Today, I posted "I'm Not Kate - Sterek FanFic" in Sterek's One-shot book and Supernatural FanFic. I have also created a new book called "Crossover Stories," where I will post all my crossover one-shots.
          Read it if you want. I'm trying to get back in writing/posting, but at this point, I've resigned to the fact that I will be an infrequent poster. Sorry.
          I hope you enjoy it!


Hey everyone!
          So recently, I haven’t been posting much, and that’s because I went through a tremendous writer’s block a few months ago. I’m sadly still in it but trying to get out of it, but I have decided to end specific stories from my trial series. My Mate, That’s Not How It Happened, Being Sold, Blue and Green, and New Life. I would give it to any writers who want to take this idea and continue it. I’m sorry, I know many people wanted these, but I lost any vision and motivation for these stories as it’s been over a year since I started them.
          Piece of Art is the only one done, but I finished that book over a year ago. I like the general plot of the story, but there are aspects of the story that I’m not proud of, especially regarding mental health. I want to refine the story before I put it out. I hope that’s okay with everyone.
          You can also DM me since I have written multiple chapters for some of these, and I can tell you where I plan to go with the plotline. Contact me through (Wattpad: @WriterAttHeart, Tumblr: @WriterAttHeart, Pinterest: @WriterAttHeart, Instagram: @writer.att.heart)
          As I want to focus on getting my creativity back, I will not put myself in a box and only write stories I gave up on a while back. If, in the future, when I’m out of my writing funk and finish these stories, I will post them. I don’t know how many of you are even waiting for them, and for those of you who are, I’m sorry I disappointed you.
          I hope to post at least one more story by the end of this year, but I don’t see that happening with how things look for me and my schedule and mental health.
          Either way, I'm sorry.
          Purple Stitch