
yo! i added my fanfic drive folder to my bio (hopefully) so if you're interested in looking at my unposted/unfinished w.i.p's - go ahead,, I'll probably make a doc for comments? like if you wanna give me any feedback/requests :)


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I'm currently going through my damn discord and notes app to convert all of my unfinished fics into docs and ISTFG i remember like 5% of what i've written, and its all shit.. I HAVE LIKE AT LEAST 7 FICS I HAVE FINISHED BUT NEVER POSTED????


yo! i added my fanfic drive folder to my bio (hopefully) so if you're interested in looking at my unposted/unfinished w.i.p's - go ahead,, I'll probably make a doc for comments? like if you wanna give me any feedback/requests :)


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I'm currently going through my damn discord and notes app to convert all of my unfinished fics into docs and ISTFG i remember like 5% of what i've written, and its all shit.. I HAVE LIKE AT LEAST 7 FICS I HAVE FINISHED BUT NEVER POSTED????


Ayo! I keep coming back to writing my silly lil fics when i get pretty sad lol,, so take my burst of writing as it comes 
          I'm working on a saiki k fic rn but if there's a fic that i havent finished that you want me to work on first,, lemme know here and ill get on it 


@Wrenspade no rush! I was js wondering lol


@spidagirlzXD  sorry this is so late, i just finished college classes but I honestly forgot about that story i was working on! I'll get to updating it tho!! 


@Wrenspade Are you going to finish the fanfic where kazutora is trans?


Gonna finish the Tora story,, just starting on a new fic cause why not, and was wondering how many of you would be interested in a genshin fic? Bennett x Razor? I'm more than likely gonna post it on ao3 but just thought I'd get input here first lol


Updating *we're here for you tora* !! Hope to get the chapter out by 6pm my time lmao,, also wanna work on the kubokai fic I kinda abandoned lol 


@llKAZUTORAll thank you!! I really want to get back to writing cause it helps a bit. I'm not doing bad but I have been better,, but don't worry!! I'm all good rn :D


@pika0_o I miss you and your stories. I hope you are doing well 


yo,, still alive. getting my ass kicked by my eating disorder though. My partner broke up with me cause they realized they were aro, but im talking to someone else atm. I also got a new job and im so happy i could quit my other one.
          I wont be doing anymore fanfics BUT i do want to do a story with a few oc's lol so hopefully youll enjoy those? if not it's okay :) just wanted to give a life update !


@pika0_o that's cool. Make sure to take care of yourself tho. 