
You know when you finally have a good story in your head to write and you just don’t know how to put it in words? Yeah I’m struggling with that. At least I have plenty of time to figure it out.


@Wolf_Bae16 it happens to the best of us


Hello! If you're currently taking reading requests, would you mind checking out my new story The Rise of Venus? The Rise of Venus is a story of the Werewolf genre with many other fantasy creatures being featured! Unlike other stories on this platform, there will be no: possessive Alpha, weak/Rogue Luna, Alpha side piece, toxic representation of relationships, or "Mine" scene lol. 
          I'm writing this story with the intent of breaking that mold and showcasing a more healthier relationship of Mates. If something like that plus a foreboding prophecy interests you, then I look forward to seeing you in the comments! If not, then thank you for even reading this much and feel free to ignore/delete this request. Below is the link to the story if you'd like to check it out ♡ 