
New Projects are in the making...


A new series is out, Wolf the Hedgehog: Battle! The story will be in the making but Sonic: When Heroes Collide will still be supported until Chapter 30 of the series. Also, A collabration is out, Crimson All Stars! W


Chapter 5 is currently in the making but, allow me to introduce these new characters:
          1. Wolf the Hedgehog 
          2. Omega “Oni” the Fox
          3. Lincoln “Lin” the Echidna
          1. Redmonix the Hedgehog
          2. Astral the Hedgehog
          3. X-BOT
          1.Dr. Matrix
          2. Metal Wolf
          3. Auxil the Robot
          Guest Characters: Keyon the Hedgehog (Returning Character) 
          If you want any new characters plz make sure to DM me, And if you want your OC in this story plz message me about that. 
          Thank you for supporting this series!


I’d like to announce that, “SONIC- WHEN HEROES COLLIDE “ Will no longer be in collaboration with @KeyonStudios.
                         Suspected Reasons:
                1: The character “Keyon the Hedgehog”
                        Is owned by “Keyon Studios.”
                2: Keyon hasn’t reached out to me about 
                       using any of characters in since August      
                      2021, I’d like to ask him to continue the  
                       “A Trip to Novos” but he’s busy or active.    
               But anyway, thats all the reasons.
               Thank for being a fan of the series,  If KeyonStudios wants to collaborate with me again then I’ll reach out to him, but the character “Keyon the Hedgehog” will not appear in the story, unless I reach out to Keyon.


Ok Wolf Heres A Link To A Google Meet I Setted Up So We Can Discuss The Lines https://meet.google.com/tha-igrd-nxn


i didn't know you respond XD Ill make a new 1one if ya have time


Don’t mind my voice.