
Hey guys! So I know Hearts & Daggers has been really inactive for idk how long! School this year has been so crazy, I have very little time to write so the next update may not come until my next break! But I haven't abandoned the story!!!


@kaitlynivey96  Hey! Sorry things have been really crazy this year for me so I've been neglecting a lot of my writing. As soon as I catch a break I will try to dish out a new chapter haha


I keep checking to see if it's been updated or not! Haha I cannot wait to see what you write next. I've Read the story at least twice, I love your work and you should seriously look into journalism some day. Keep up the good work :-)


I saw your Michael Myers book on fanficton and I gotta say that it was worth staying up all night just to read it!What you wrote is really amazing if you ask me.You're such a talented writer and I wish you the best of luck in your career in the future because you honestly deserve it.Shame you didn't continue it but that's alright,i understand! <3 This fanfic is so well thought out and it seemed like you were doing this story for yourself,just the way you wanted it and I respect that so much! Some writers completely forget about their own ideas just to please the readers and it all just turns into a mess...Let's not mention how hard it must be to build up a story about a serial killer falling in love!I'm not even sure if you'll see my desperate long message but if you do then just know that I love your writing and would love to read more!C: 


Awh,I'm sorry you have it so rough this year.I honestly didn't expect you to answer so soon; you're so kind.My brother is in college as well and whenever he comes over,he looks really tired because he was studying all night.(Poor thing,they really are torturing them with all this work) Please don't rush yourself,i'm willing to wait years for this book.It's more important that the auhtor is alright than let you write in such stressful conditions!Whatever masterpiece you come up with can never be disappointing!Do what you feel is right and everything will come into place.I wish you the best,April! <3 <3 


@ChollyMax Hey! I am so happy you love Hearts and Daggers! That is probably one of my favorite stories to write and I do plan on continuing it! It means so much to me that you loved it :D
            This has just been a very stressful year because I transferred to another college AND changed majors so it was just so much work and stress that I had to put some things on the back burner. But I do plan on finishing this story!!!! Right now it is trying to make the plot not get too drawn out so everyone gets bored and also trying to make sure it isn't a disappointing ending haha. I know though that there aren't going to be many chapters left. But hopefully this summer I can get some things pre-written so that way it is a little easier haha


Hey guys! So I know Hearts & Daggers has been really inactive for idk how long! School this year has been so crazy, I have very little time to write so the next update may not come until my next break! But I haven't abandoned the story!!!


@kaitlynivey96  Hey! Sorry things have been really crazy this year for me so I've been neglecting a lot of my writing. As soon as I catch a break I will try to dish out a new chapter haha


I keep checking to see if it's been updated or not! Haha I cannot wait to see what you write next. I've Read the story at least twice, I love your work and you should seriously look into journalism some day. Keep up the good work :-)


To all my "Hearts and Daggers" readers! I am currently working on the next chapter, so just bear with me! It's coming soon!!! :)


@Celtic_Wish lol it's okay love i understand! I was just giving you a hard time :p
            Hope all is well!!


@ravenclaw859 I'm sorry for the wait!!! My readers on Fanfiction are getting anxious too and I feel terrible. There were some unexpected delays in my personal life that caused me to put the update on hold for a bit. But everything is straightened out now and I am working on it! I'm about a little more than halfway through the chapter so hopefully it's all completed and uploaded soon!


            -looks at watch-
            -taps foot-
            -checks watch again-
            Ahhhhh I'm so anxious!!


Hey! there is a girl on here called emmymyers i believe it is and i left a comment on her story calling her out and leaving a link to it but she removed the comment. Her story is called sinister love. I wasn't sure if my message went through on the other site where you post