
Ok so Winter here. Haven’t posted in awhile so, sorry? As you may or may not have noticed my banner thing has changed :). This thing took so long. There my brand new OC’s and I literally just named them lol. Anyway, won’t be posting for a longer while. Going to the beach :)


Ok so Winter here. Haven’t posted in awhile so, sorry? As you may or may not have noticed my banner thing has changed :). This thing took so long. There my brand new OC’s and I literally just named them lol. Anyway, won’t be posting for a longer while. Going to the beach :)


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Just wanted to say, won’t be writing or posting new chapters for any of my books anytime soon. I’m really busy, but I’ll try to write as much as I can! But yeah. Just been a little stressed lately, and will be for at least a few weeks. BECAUSE IM FUCKING MOOOVVVIIINNGGG! New school and all that  shit. TwT


Sun Shards, a warriors fanfic I made a while ago, will be put on hold. Not due to lack of motivation, nor due to the number of stories I am currently working on, but due to plot. If you don’t know already, Sun Shards takes place after me and Cinderblaze_Stan’s (Here for Netflix) book series, which isn’t done yet, and the plot would be given away. ( Which is NOT good….) After we finish it, I will continue it.  Merry Christmas ya’ll!


@I_LoveFood13 bit rude. Did you even read it? I think YOUR the lazy foxheart >:(


O h… welp. Oops? I mean… looked like Netflix LOL


So, I’ve been having boy issues lately. Let’s call this dick, Max. Me and Max have been friends for awhile, and he said last year that he had feelings for me. Me, not wanting to hurt his feelings said I liked him too, but was to young to date. Fast forward to a few months ago. The homecoming dance. Probably the worst thing that had happened this year so far. Max said we would go as friends. Until the day before the dance. He said he was excited for our date. I was confused and at the dance he was so manipulative. He made me slow dance with him, and I regret ever going. After that, he treated me like I was his gf, and he lied 24/7. He got kicked out of the friend group bc of it. I was walking on the track, and passed the bleachers and I heard Max saying something to someone. He said, “ Me and Winter are dating, but she doesn’t want ppl to know.” To a girl named Abby. Fast forward to a few days ago. I finally built up enough confidence to talk to him. I told him that we weren’t dating. He said ik. Me and Abby became friends, and she said that he told her that we had broken up. Me and Abby were sick of his lies so we teamed up against him. We had an argument. He lied straight to my face, and made at least 100 excuses. “ Random dick told Abby that we were dating! Not me!” Ofc, me being smarter than that dickhead said the smartest thing I could think of. “ I guess I’m deaf then! Because I was there!” We didn’t talk after that. Did I do the right thing? He’s also a pick-me boy, btw. 
          Hope things get better, 




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SHIT I knew most of the story but this is just a whole other level of dickhead. AND he's a pick me boy? Please, I'm tracking this mf down and wiping out his entire bloodline and then throwing him out the Eiffel Tower. He made you fucking slow dance with him, that jerk. He should've known you were uncomfortable, or at least taken it a little bit more slow than just being like "let's share a really intimate moment that you don't wanna be a part of" like wth
            My guy is so desperate for bitches that he'll lunge at any given chance he's literally the embodiment of the "No Bitches?" meme LOL
            Obviously you did the right thing. I'd kick that mf in the balls if he even had any smfh 