
[Haven’t been here for a hot minute, huh]


“Ayee, I was—uh wondering,, since we were both busy on Valentine’s and post Valentine’s dealing with work...we could make it up...with a fancy date? My treat! I swear!” The female smiled, putting one hand on her hip and the other behind her neck. As well as quite the noticeable pink tint covered her cheeks with the question.
          ((Hjhjjhjh, I just want fluff,, and you never get anything-))


[Well, shit—]
            Will smiled back, thinking of a nice, but not too expensive restaurant to eat out at. Though, not being able to come up with one he only said what came to his mind “it’s expensive...but how about the Cheesecake Factory?” A smile graced his face, “You want me to shut up? Make me. Also, what was that I heard?” 


She smiled, “Yes, my treat. Alright, pick someplace.” Upon hearing his last statement her disappearing blush seemed to make another appearance, “Shut the f uCk up-thanksthough...youarentthatbadyourself.” Of course, she mumbled the last part, like any cliché anime character. 


[Request accepted!]