
Ok I need 2 weeks just 2 and then I will have Philophobia revised and completed. Annnnddd.....drum roll please.... I will have my first ever fan Fic up and completed I'm really excited about it because I think I've matured as a writer so I can give you guys something better to read.


Ok I need 2 weeks just 2 and then I will have Philophobia revised and completed. Annnnddd.....drum roll please.... I will have my first ever fan Fic up and completed I'm really excited about it because I think I've matured as a writer so I can give you guys something better to read.


I want to get sucked into a book, nothing is ever really complicated or unforeseen you have any questions just skip to the ending. Everything make since in the end and books are sooooooo much more interesting than real life scientist should make this possible they would be rich you could be transported into a book as the character of your choice and leave any time you want. It's brilliant!!! 


I am the happiest I have been for the entire month of April right now. Also I just wanted to let you guys know that the little people in my head have quit talking to me for a bit (that's my way of saying I have writers block). So I'm going to try and write anyways and see where it goes.