
Hey there, everybody! I dropped the second chapter of "ARCTIC"!
          	I bet you didn't think I had it in me! Well, me neither, but we were wrong!
          	Go read it please, or I will cry myself to sleep every day until you do :)


I was looking at your stuff and I have too much to say. I can be extra and I don't want to overwhelm you.
          What kind of feedback are you looking for right now?
          What aspects of your writing are you actively trying to improve?
          What are you short term writing goals?
          If these questions are unwelcomed I apologize and I will fade off into the mist.


@novelistASH, Thank you so much for the interest! 
            In terms of feedback, I want what's true, of course, but I'd most appreciate any feedback you have on my first chapter of "ARCTIC", because I'm already aware of a lot of problems with "Out of the Dark",  and I'm pretty interested in your insights on it considering it's probably my best writing—although it's just a first draft, plus that can't really be measured.



@marssaturnia Sure, I'm open to giving it a try and maybe offering some feedback! Also, I've just published the first chapter of a new book, and it would be pretty cool if you were one of the first readers, so it would be nice if you could check it out! It's only one chapter after all :)


Calling all enjoyers of books!!! I have just published the first chapter of my new book "ARCTIC"! Go read it right now and comment and vote and tell me how incredibly awesome it is! Or don't, but it'd be nice to do at least one of those things if you wanna.


Hey, this guy looks pretty smart! I think you should read his book, It's probably so much better than most of the books on here! With their contrived plots and terrible writing and...and... AND THEIR FREAKING POINTLESSNESS AND THEIR TERRIBLE TRANSITIONS AND THEY'RE ALL FANFI-
            Ahem.... Go read ARCTIC pls.


So, I'm sick right now. BUT new chapter posted and I'm WORKING ON A COVER FOR MY NEW BOOK ANYWAY! 
          Thank you for the support, I'm legitimately going insane between Canva and missing having a clear nose, so it's very appreciated. It's gonna be a collaborative effort getting "Out of the Dark" to 200+ views and getting a new book of the ground, and I absolutely can't say enough how much I appreciate every person who's even just read one chapter, because I'd have never made it this far without you guys and girls! 


I just drew out every possible morphology I can think of present in the fossil record and scrutinized it and my knowledge of cladeology for 40 minutes. Why? IDK.
          Vote now, do you think I should modify my story and give my gigantic lizard creature a pair of wings? 


Is it 11 for me? Yes. Did I just publish? Yes. 
          Or don't, I don't care too much. But don't test that...

