
Apologies to those who have been reading along with Tae and Karina in "Unique Friend"; life has taken some major turns lately, some good, like a new job I love, and some not so good like sick kids.
          	 I am not ready to let this story go, but it just may be even slower going than it has been so far.
          	 But I am very grateful to all of my readers to sticking with me!


Apologies to those who have been reading along with Tae and Karina in "Unique Friend"; life has taken some major turns lately, some good, like a new job I love, and some not so good like sick kids.
           I am not ready to let this story go, but it just may be even slower going than it has been so far.
           But I am very grateful to all of my readers to sticking with me!


Unique Friend Chapter 6 has been posted.  So sorry for the delay, I've recently started a new job so sadly my writing has taken a bit of a back seat for now, but I promise to continue this story if you have the patience to keep reading! Borahae lovelies!


Hi all
           Thanks to those of you who have been patient enough to follow along with "Unique Friend".  I have been really slow with this one, but I think I like where it's going.  Please keep in mind I am posting these chapters almost as soon as I finish them, so they are unedited, and sometimes I may go back and edit what's already been posted. 
           Anyhow, thanks so much for the reads, votes and likes!  Please leave me comments letting me know how you like this one so far, and what you think may happen with Tae and Karina.


Hello readers
           Apologies to anyone who has been waiting on "Unique Friend" updates, my laptop died recently, and life has been busy.  I finally posted chapter 3.  Please be patient as these are unedited posts and things may change a bit over time.  I am posting these as soon as they are written.


Hi all
           I have completed the spinoff to Mr. Someone, so have decided I will post the last 5 chapters of Mr. Someone all at once!!
           The spinoff is not 100% ready to post yet, but you can look forward to it soon!
          I can't wait to hear what you all think of the ending for Mr. Someone!


Hey everyone
           Mr. Someone is complete!!  I will still continue to post chapter by chapter, AND, I am now working on a spinoff of this piece!  I will start posting chapters from it once Mr. Someone is completely uploaded.
           Thanks so much for all the reads and support! :)