
Just updated the cover to Twenty-Four Hours! This one fits the story much better. I'm pretty proud of the overlay too. Thank you Hongjoong for posting this perfect photo for me to work with. Aaand I have my second day of work in the morning!


I just got yet another story idea (⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠) 
          also like, I'm kinda moving? I guess? Like I drove to New Mexico, the state where I'm moving to, and my job here starts tomorrow at 9:00am. Like a grown-up job. But I'm kind of... questioning my decision now. It's a nine hour drive from my family :( I'm currently with my aunt and will live here until I get my own apartment 


so so so proud 


Hi author! Has everything been going smoothly for you?


@WhatAtinyWorld Oh, at least that’s some free time you have! G-idle is amazing, and hopefully the concert will be great! 
            By any chance, have you thought of or already made freebies? Apparently they’re a good way to get to know other fans!


@Yeontanaaaaaaa hi hi!! Well, I was supposed to start a new job yesterday... but they pushed the start date back until the 17th. But my sister and I are going to a G-idle concert next week!! I'm working on my outfit now, it's based on the winter photoshoot from Superlady


Hi buddy, just checking up on you.
          Hopefully life’s been working out!


@WhatAtinyWorld That’s a really interesting analogy. It’s almost as if I’m experiencing something I’ve never experienced before, yet know it all the same.
            Anemoia in a way?
            But, wishing all the best for your move! Hopefully everything goes to plan and beyond!


@Yeontanaaaaaaa hello! So far.... so good? I'm moving to a different state next week and it feels like I'm at the top of a high dive, but I'm not about to climb back down 


Hello author, I really want to thank you for your kind words on my message board. It really made my day! It’s amazing to have you here on Wattpad, as you’re a blessing.
          Hopefully you’ll have a good day today, and wishing all the best! ^•^


TW: war
          I'm so upset. I feel like I'll implode with anger and hopelessness and it only comes out in shaking and tears. I'm at Las Alamos -- the Manhattan Project -- the place that created and deployed the first nuclear bombs. My whole life I've been told how the bombs were worth it, they were our savior, a justified evil. But no. Japan was already set to surrender. What pushed their surrender, in the end, was not the bombs, but the Soviet invasion of Japan on August 8th.
          So now the whole of the American public believes a horrendous lie! I know the government is a machine of deceit, but even this? Even something that has been a simple fact. Untrue.
          The war is over, of course, but this idea of a false reality can have so many consequences. Everyone thinks that the mass murderer of civilians -- CIVILIANS! -- is what ended the war. And so in the future, as humans do, we will look to history and say, "this worked, why not make it work again?" 
          Hundreds of thousands dead, a city destroyed, generations glorifying carnage, for a lie. 
          "... the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender..." - William Leahy, most senior US officer on active duty during WWll.
          "... it was found convenient to construct the policy of nuclear deterrence on the myth that the fear of such unthinkable carnage would discourage any future aggression." - Geneva Centre for Security Policy.
          "[President] Truman himself described an intercepted cable from July 18, 1945, as the 'telegram from the Jap emperor asking for peace.'" - LA Times.
          "From 1946 to 1958, the United States detonated on the Marshall Islands some 67 nuclear bombs, the equivalent of over 1.5 Hiroshima-sized explosions every single day for 12 years, causing much suffering from forced relocation, burns, birth defects, and cancers." - Geneva Centre for Security Policy.


It’s been a bit.
          How’s everything been for you?


@WhatAtinyWorld Oh! Hopefully everything goes well for your relocation! ^•^


I hope to move in September to the state next to ours, which is called New Mexico. My favorite aunt lives there


@Yeontanaaaaaaa hey TT I think good actually! Except at this exact moment, as you'll see if you read my last post. I haven't been active much as I'm sure you've noticed. Been reading more traditional books and working on moving! 


First of all, hi guys!! I'm alive, missed you, still on every day but haven't been interacting much.
          Second, I think one of the greatest delusions in history is the idea that Hershey's actually makes good chocolate. It tastes like wax.


@WhatAtinyWorld i cant even eat hersheys chocolate because it burns my throat lmao