
Hi guys, I would love to hear your thoughts on my new book, Ashwood. 
          It is currently trending:  #175 in Paranormal category out of 65.1k plus
          I am trying not to do too much of a cliché story here, but instead, I am trying to write one that has a very strong and independent female lead with a werewolf alpha who is strong but also a down-to-earth, caring guy, basically a walking green flag!  
          Also, I update daily! So please read, vote, comment and share. Here is the link: 


          Hello everyone,
          I'd like to invite you to explore my new book "In the Dark's Embrace, Light Finds Grace". This story follows Aiden, a young man facing fateful challenges, navigating complex relationships and inner conflicts, especially with Jaxon, whose life is shrouded in secrets and the power of warewolf.
          Throughout this adventure, destiny and love intertwine in unexpected ways, crafting a dynamic tale of courage, discovery, and the search for true identity.
          The book isn't fully complete yet, but new chapters are released weekly (or nearly every day, depending on the chapter's length). Your support means a lot to me, and your feedback on the book is invaluable. Please leave your impressions, comments, and suggestions to help me improve the story and create an even better reading experience.
          I look forward to your reactions and hope you enjoy diving into this adventure!
          Warm regards,
          Silent Romantic 



Hello lovelies!
          Not sure if you're still seeking out some more werewolf books, nevertheless, I'm writing a werewolf romance novel! It is a New Adult fiction inspired by ancient Greek werewolf lore in an urban fantasy setting. ( Sorry that was a mouthful XD ) 
          We have our main character, Rhea Drakos, who is a young witch and art major returning home for the uni break. 
          On the first night back her sister has gone missing and all hints lead to the Mavros Mansion. Home to the cold and distant Mavros family and their son Lycius -- an old high school "friend" who no one has heard from in years. 
          Is Rhea prepared for what awaits for her behind locked doors?