
hey there c.h enthousiast, new chapter released, go cleanse ur thirst


new year new me- leaving out the fact its already gonna be febuary uhm yes so uh
          hi, been awhile, havent been posting like AT ALL lmao, currently im 16, now most of you read my old (cringing at my writing grammar rn) countryhuman book, im not into the fandom anymore but since so many of you like the story i might create an intire new pair of chapters (and leaving the old ones in for your nostalgia ig) though i am sorry for not yeeting out chapters like i promised i would (that kinda failed huh lol). but i will try and get back on track when my vacation hits, though one thing you will be getting is an new designed book with new chapters, because im not going to uh- read back my..old work. so yes, new plot, new storyline (probably will keep it similair who knows) and more drama and action, perhaps other stuff. (and no, for those who ARE wondering, no smut or *cough* s m e x y time despite my mind thinking the most toe curling actions i cannot for the love of my digital footprint write it down in all of its glorified detail. i'll keep you all updated (hopefully.) if im gone for more than a month again feel free to absolutely spam my dms or stories.
          thats all lmao, love you all my sinners and non believers!


hello my sinners and non belivers, TAKE YOUR TIME TO READ THIS. im in my exam year of school now so chapters have been releasing late or not releasing at all- for now i am focusing my words into an fan-made story including a bunch of oc's including my own, its a good story plot if you like action and drama. 
          now for that main part ive been seeing on my notifications lately- the countryhuman book i wrote back somewhere in 2019, by far one of my most populair books! pretty surprised the little chapters i have in there are read by so many of you, i might change the plot a little since i left the fandom long ago (and kinda with the current thing going on between russian forces and ukrainian forces..) i have been hesitant to continue that book for many reasons, but seeing how many people are still liking and putting the book into their story, i might as well continue it right? need to feed you all something since i KNOW the struggle of finding a good book, and it being edited an ancient time ago to be discontinued lmao. i'll try my best


hello there everyone! i wanted to let you all know that i shall be a bit more active on continuing stories! i might even bring back one of my very old books....my grammer and scripting skills have increased over these past years and i'd like to share them all with you personally! have a great evening/day/afternoon wherever you may be! you shall hear from me again sometime again