
Quick heads up, I'm at risk of getting my device taken away which means I won't be able to post for a while. I apologize for the inconvenience.


@Weirderthanyou24 I hope you dont!!!!!! love you!!!!


Your birthday present might not be given on you're actually birthday. I have a great idea for you but can't work on it because of my stupid sickness.


@Weirderthanyou24 Okay. I hope you get to keep your device!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOW INCASE YOU CANT RECIVE IT AT TWELVE WHEN ILL BE SENDING IT AGAIN!!


@jatpfan1234654525 Doesn't matter, it can be posted on your account, whichever is easier. Anywho, heads up, I might not be able to receive it because I think my dad is planning on taking my device. :(


@Weirderthanyou24 QUESTION! Would you like your bday present to be private or posted on my account? up to you


I wanna set someone on fire.
          Also, hello! To a certain person who may read this and be concerned: Yes I am okay, just a lil irritate at the moment. 
          Anyways, it's been a while! (Like 3 ish weeks I think) Anywho, I'm going to attempt to start writing soon and would've sooner had I not broken my promise to not write three times in three days, it might take me some time because the one shot I plan on posting is going to be pretty lengthy since I have a lot of ideas for it.
          My Birthday is also soon, Happy Birthday to me. It's also Pride Month (as previously stated in another announcement) so it's also happy Pride Month to me (I'm trans (recently found out I don't like being called a girl after all) and aroace!). 
          How my dad expected me to not be apart of LGBT+ community despite being born in their month I have no idea.
          Anyways, that's really all I have to say for now!
          See you soon!


@Weirderthanyou24 Well you are like me a lot so of course I know you.
            Drink much: not really. Probably like half a medium sized water bottle. Eat much: I think I did. Before swimming I had pizza then a hamburger and then while swimming I had a burger, brat and chips. Thanks lol. I'm glad too.


@jatpfan1234654525 Hehe, you know me so well!
            Aww, that sucks. Also, that's like literally horrible, you nearly DIED. I can't have you dying on my watch! Also, did you perhaps not eat much or drink much yesterday? That could be why, also, not eating or drinking enough water could also be it. Glad you're not dead.
            Me too!!!


@Weirderthanyou24 I knew you would. That's why I did it.
            Okay so yesterday I went swimming (as you already know) and I couldn't stand on both feet so I kept balancing on the good ankle. And as it got later in the day I got so bad that I couldn't stand at all without getting lightheaded and falling into the water. I couldn't get warm and my pulse was low. I was LITERALLY dying lol. Right now the only thing that's really bothering me is my throat my head and my ankle, and my stomach goes on and on.
            Yay!! I'm glad you're back to writing


Do you ever go back to look at your writting to double check something and come across somthing great you wrote? Because i just did that to me and was shocked to see i wrote that line lol


@Weirderthanyou24 lol. i was so shocked and i was like "Weirdo is a lot like me. I wonder if they've felt this way as well." Glad to see you have!


@jatpfan1234654525 Lol, I do it when I reread my stories, often times when I'm bored. Sometimes my jaw just drops and I get shell shocked that I would ever write that line. It happened some time ago when I reread my fist story (the unpublished one) and I didn't remember what I wrote, safe to say I was certainly something back then.  "-w-
            It happened with the Christmas Solangelo one shot I wrote too, the only difference is I actually commented on it.


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Happy rainbow/pride month to my followers who are apart of the LGBT+ community!!! And to those who aren't, give your local queer or otherwise a dollar or two because they deserve it. And to those who don't support it and/or think it's a waste of time, get the fuck offline, go fuck yourself and do some self reflection about why you're a shitty person and at the moment does not deserve happiness.
          Anyways happy gay month and go be gay and do crime!!! (The crime thing is definitely a joke)


@Weirderthanyou24 you're welcome!!!!!!!!! DONT APOLOGIZE!!!


Hello!! I just published another oneshot for my Bapa series!! I also wanted to let it be known, and I'm so sorry that I'm doing this after kind of disappearing but my lovely friend has pointed out that my "procrastination" that I've been experiencing may just be writers block and I realized that he was correct, I do in fact have writers block and it's been what's keeping me (among other things) from frequently posting and it's obvious that my infrequent and slow updating patterns is less than desirable so I will be taking a break. I do not know how long I need this break to be but I'm thinking maybe at least a week or two.
          Now, I know it may not seem like I've been writing much especially considering the fact that I only have 3 oneshots for my Bapa fic and haven't posted a oneshot for my solangelo fic since February but I do have 6 drafts for my Bapa fic each at about at least 1k words each and over 9 drafts for my solangelo one either unstarted or unable to be found a way to be continued.
          I really hope I'll see you guys soon with a more consistent posting schedule, see you!! Go read my oneshot and see you later!


@Weirderthanyou24 yes yes. you were right .-.


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Like clockwork I regret making a promise, again. The promise to get a oneshot out today may have to be postponed because my dad doesn't want us on our devices because my brothers decided to argue over the tv (one has a phone but it is apparently dead and the other isn't allowed on any devices) and my dad decided to say, "You know what? Fuck all of you, NONE of you are allowed on a device and this house better be clean when I get home!". Now it's highly likely that when he does get home he'll find something to complain about and take away all our devices meaning I won't be able to write. Fingers crossed that's not what happens.


@Weirderthanyou24 is that supposed to be a face?


Huh, it's raining where I am and I find it ironic because I just wrote about rain in the Bapa fic. Also, hello! I got my device back! I shouldn't be making promises especially since I'm actively aware that they have and will fuel my procrastination and/or make something happen that makes me have to postpone or completely be unable to fulfill that promise, however I did kinda just disappear so I owe it to y'all. I will get this one shot done either late tonight or sometime in the early afternoon tomorrow (I sleep late and won't want to write when I wake up). See you then!


Hello, it's been a while. I just wanted to say that unfortunately I got my device taken away and I am currently messaging on a borrowed device that I will not be able to have all the time, it's a shared device. So, until I either get my device back or it's my turn with this device, I won't be able to work on the new Bapa one shot. I don't know how long until I get my device back (my dad never gives a number), but I should receive this one back the day after today. It should also be known that I'm not supposed to be on a device period, which means the only reason I'm not currently working on it is because my dad is home and it's hard to write and hide from him. Also, this isn't for sure but this is still a possibility so it should also be known, the owner of this device is about to go on vacation and might take it with her so me and the other person using it (my sister who also got her device taken), won't fight over while she's gone.
          So sorry for the bad news and I hope that I can see you guys very soon with an update!!


@Weirderthanyou24 hope you get your device back soon!!!!!!!!


First part of the new Bapa One shot is published now!!!


@jatpfan1234654525 okay so, i was TRYING to comment and read more, but wattpad is being weird and not letting me so i'll finish tomorrow.

