
Holy schnitzel! I just managed to get on here! If you are still alive, follow my active collab account with a post today! @kyandbri


Important Notice: I have had to recently take over an account my friend and I had, due to this I will be maintaining this account and the other. I am sorry if I post rarely on this account as I am finishing this school year, working this account and the other along with dealing on my own life. I will not leave this account, I just need to figure out a good pattern. Terribly sorry! If you would like to keep up with all the books that are being done on the other account or check it out, the account is @KyandLex I am starting a contest book for writers and artists alike on it, so get ready for that. Hopefully I'll see some of you guys there on that account. This account will be transformed solely for poems and tagged books along with maybe a collab book. Any projects I am working on are on the other account to make it easier on me. 
          ~~♡~~♡~~♡~Love for all you fabulous people~♡~~♡~~♡~~


As some of you know my old account had a poems book on there that was pretty popular. I toke down all my books on it though when I transferred to this account. I have several books I feel should get there chance in the spotlight. Now, comment or pm me what you would like me to bring back. Its your choice and I'll look at it all the same:
          Poems With Truth
          Fnaf(Five Nights At Freddy's) Poems
          The Treehouse Visit
          Wishing Stars Are Real
          We Can Be Just Friends
          *Note: Any poem book I do is 100% on my own and write them myself ^•^


@WeirdMuffinGirl *Their chance dang you auto correct >-<


Thanks for tagging me! All my facts were dumb but it's always fun to do :)


@Paintfairy Don't worry, I toke like 10 XD 


 Well, I guess not most of them, usually I can cannon facts with a snap of a finger but I stared at the screen for like t
            Five minutes just thinking about what I wanted to say :)


@Paintfairy Nonsense, your facts weren't dumb XD and np ^•^


Hey everyone, sorry for the hold on Magia Academy, we're working really hard on it. In other news my first book-Living By Murder- will be posted soon, I've been working really hard to make it the best I possibly can. The first chapter will be posted either this week or the beginning of next week and it will be updated on the same day every week. Until then, bai my mini muffins! :)