
i really hope there will be another chapter and a complete story despite the current situation. I'd hate to abandon this nice story


@Weird0trash thats completely fine!! i hope it won't be too stressful. stay healthy ❤️


@albinopaka Oh I promise I won't abandon this story, I have just been very busy in life with uni, work etc but I'm getting back into! <33


Hello dear author,
          I hope you've been doing well. It seems to me it's been a while since you wrote this story. But I was just wondering do you have plans to continue it? If you don't, it is completely fine but I've just been waiting for it that's why. Thank you! 


@yellamo_bishhh oh I see! Since we've known you are planning to finish it, it's alright :)) . Take your time and take care!


@yellamo_bishhh Hellooo love I'm currently in a bit of chaos between having exams every week and having to move out soon plus work. I know all of you have been waiting and I read every comment that is made which is the nr 1 reason keeping me motivated. I'm 100 % going to continue it as I would hate not to at least finish this story as I planned in the near future!! So sorry once again for my absence ): going to do my very best as soon as I get the chance! Thank you for your support <333