
Update on the drama and accusations!! :
          	Dream just posted something on Twitter regarding the situation, he stated that he has been very busy because of meetings and all that stuff. He couldn't even check his phone to look what's happening online because he's been so busy.
          	He had to excuse himself to the bathroom to even write the message posted on Twitter.
          	Honestly I'd like to shut off Twitter now and mute Jadyn for notifications for now because he's the one who posted about this on YouTube. This just makes me even more sad.
          	If you guys want more information about the situation then check @DR3AMIE 's profile on conversations to know more.


@ilovepandas433 you can see them in my followed if you're having trouble finding them ^^


Update on the drama and accusations!! :
          Dream just posted something on Twitter regarding the situation, he stated that he has been very busy because of meetings and all that stuff. He couldn't even check his phone to look what's happening online because he's been so busy.
          He had to excuse himself to the bathroom to even write the message posted on Twitter.
          Honestly I'd like to shut off Twitter now and mute Jadyn for notifications for now because he's the one who posted about this on YouTube. This just makes me even more sad.
          If you guys want more information about the situation then check @DR3AMIE 's profile on conversations to know more.


@ilovepandas433 you can see them in my followed if you're having trouble finding them ^^


I didn't wanna address this issue until it's finished but I just really wanna vent ;-;
          This whole situation with Dream being accused of grooming and SA really hurts me, I don't know why. I'm not one of the groomed victims but I am a Dream fan. This whole situation got to my nerves, I don't know if I'm nervous of the outcome of the drama or something else but it just really hurts.
          Dream's been my comfort streamer for so long and I really don't want to believe the accusations. I wanna remain neutral as much as I can but I can't help but feel hurt somehow.
          It's not the type of hurt like, "I can't believe I supported this man." Or "I thought I knew him even as a fan... Etc."
          It's really hard to exp)ain but it just hurts my heart, it's very painful and I just pray that this'll all be resolved quickly. I've always stayed on the neutral side of all drama but I can't help but feel really sad and hurt by this one specific drama.
          It hurts man, seeing your comfort streamer get accused of this and this thing escalated quickly. Makes me very sad...


@WeebPatch he doesnt deserve this. It only happend because he face revealed and selfish people want clout. They can bully him and call him all the things they want but nothing will ever be true. as long as he's enjoying his life its up to us to find clues that stuff is fake and defend him. I dont think he gr00med anyone and the story was stoled from the victims friend and used as her own story. A lot is oming out about this being faked and we just need to wait and see what happends so, Ignore everything you hear about it. its only gonna make you worry more.


@dr3am1ng_ab0ut_y0u I know TvT
            I've always been on Dream's side in almost every drama that arose, it's just that I feel really bad. The guy lost his friend Technoblade, then he went on to a face reveal only to have people making fun of him, then suddenly get called a groomer when he's not on his phone because he's very busy after the face reveal.
            I feel like I'm being overwhelmed in the situation for Dream 


@WeebPatch Please dont worry about it! The victim is most likely lying because she changed her age multiple times throughout the story and more is coming about that she has tried to accuse other cc's or gr00ming and SA. She also got banned from Punz's stream for saying inappropriate context and the photos look edited. Also, in the twitter DM's dream said nothing sexual and everything looks edited. More is coming out. dream is taking legal action, and soon everything will go down. Believe me this happens every month :/


Rest in Peace Technoblade. We love you King.
          You have inspired a lot of people and helped us, stay positive. It hurts and it hits so hard finding out you have passed, but we know you didn't pass without a fight. We love you and we will miss you.
          You are such a big inspiration and influence, we will never forget about you because you are nothing but a Legend to us. A Legend in everything.
          May you rest well now King, you put up a good fight. You will be missed. 


@WeebPatch rest in peace technoblade you were always my favorite (and the whole smp) hope you’re doing well in heaven