
For everyone who's waiting for an update, I have some NEWS for all of you.
          	I...don't know when it'll come out.
          	Now, I know this may upset a large sum of you, but we should've seen this coming.
          	But it's not all negative, the arc is at its climax, I just haven't finished it. When I do, I'll upload the arc as soon as possible. That, you can count on
          	That's all, I hope this is sufficient enough of an update.
          	I'll see y'all when I see you
          	Bye Bye


For everyone who's waiting for an update, I have some NEWS for all of you.
          I...don't know when it'll come out.
          Now, I know this may upset a large sum of you, but we should've seen this coming.
          But it's not all negative, the arc is at its climax, I just haven't finished it. When I do, I'll upload the arc as soon as possible. That, you can count on
          That's all, I hope this is sufficient enough of an update.
          I'll see y'all when I see you
          Bye Bye


The Hiatus is over. Production is done (for the most part) there's still a few chapters to complete, but nothing I could do in a few days (hopefully) so I've decided to upload early. Expect a chapter in the following hours.
          And I just wanna get this out early. No, I have not played the new Spider-man game, at least until I can pirate it, cause my broke ass can't get a PS5. 
          But anyways, excited for you guys to read the next chapter of Road to Spider-man: The Road Continues


Yo...getting Deja vu is crahhzy. It's like you predicted your future in a dream or reliving your life.
          I'd like to hear you guy's stories about it.


@WeAbL0rD the most recent one for me was a few weeks ago after work I was talking with one of the daughters of the woman I had unburied  while I was waiting for the second daughter to pay me we were talking about how hot the was (35° Celsius) 
            she said something about going to the beach afterwards I said that I dislike the sea and they were surprised 