Hello and welcome to WarriorsLogic, a great new place to browse though high-quality Warrior cat fanfiction. You will find a verity of different fanfictions, from traveling to kitting, we have it all.

We also will be giving shoutouts to high-quality book writers, and if allowed, we will give a small blurb! Our bookstore also provides reviews on your fanfictions, so we can help make it the best you ever wrote.

In order to have the most original and fantastic fanfictions, we have to have a verity of different writers working on books. We are 'Now Hiring'. In order to join our group, you must have written at least ONE WARRIOR FANFICTION.

You must include your Username, what you would like to be known as, the fanfiction link, important things about you, and how active you are on wattpad.

Thank you for visiting the Warriors Bookstore!
  • { OPEN }
  • JoinedJune 15, 2016