
Guinea Pig Owners and Lovers! Please help me with my senior project. What is the cup serving size that you feed your guinea pig each day?
          	1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 of a cup or more than 1 cup
          	Guinea pig lovers! How much grams does your guinea pig weigh?
          	700-800 grams females
          	800-900 grams females
          	900-1000 grams males
          	1000-1200 grams males
          	over 1200 grams
          	How many of you have another small animal?
          	dog, cat, other rodents besides cavies, bird, reptiles
          	How many times do you feed pellets? once a day, 2 times a day, not at all
          	How many times do you feed fresh food(veggies and fruits? once a day, 2 times a day, not at all.
          	Please answer in the comments below. Thank you for helping me!


Guinea Pig Owners and Lovers! Please help me with my senior project. What is the cup serving size that you feed your guinea pig each day?
          1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 of a cup or more than 1 cup
          Guinea pig lovers! How much grams does your guinea pig weigh?
          700-800 grams females
          800-900 grams females
          900-1000 grams males
          1000-1200 grams males
          over 1200 grams
          How many of you have another small animal?
          dog, cat, other rodents besides cavies, bird, reptiles
          How many times do you feed pellets? once a day, 2 times a day, not at all
          How many times do you feed fresh food(veggies and fruits? once a day, 2 times a day, not at all.
          Please answer in the comments below. Thank you for helping me!


hey guys, let’s say goodbye to 2017. It’s been hard but let’s make 2018 better! I have a few plans in mind for the new year, so keep in tune with all my social media. 
          deviant art-Warriors0211, Tumblr-Warriors021, twitter-Warriors021


So septicart is over and I am continuing on...however not with the Warriors Series because one i have an event tomorrow. Two i have a commission i have to work on. three, I have to paint ceramics. Lastly, school is coming up. I hope you guys understand that i need more time before i can get back onto it.  Thank you! But anyway i'll see you in the next update, buh-bye!!


Markiplier and I need your help!
          We are donating to these people who have EBMRF which is a skin disorder in which they need to cover their bodies with bandages every hour or so. You can help by donating $$ to the site http://www.ebkids.org/ or buy merch at https://represent.com/markisocks. All proceeds go to these people! Also join us for the charity livestream, if you havent already, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiYyUbfRo8k. I can’t donate because my family is tight on money but at least I am helping in some way. So THANK YOU and have a nice day!


Hai! I will not be uploading to "The Thorn" today. As some of you know, Jacksepticeye is doing a community event and I'll will participating in it. The dead line for 2 digital drawings  i want to do is 1 week. So i hope you join me and others in this community event as I am and Enjoy your day! And as always I will see you in the next update, buh-bye!!


Hey guys, its been awhile since I posted. I have a few things to sum up for y'all. 1. Summer is coming to a close after August :(   2. I been into digital artwork and getting better everyday 3. I'm thinking going back to my original Warriors Series but all bran new. I have deleted my old Warriors Series bc they were going into a downfall.  4. There will be new changes throughout my social medias and during the school year. So beware that i cant get everything done on time but I will try my best.  Anyway that's all and thanks for joining me. I hoped that you guys had a nice summer and I'll see you in the next update! buh-bye!!


Hallo friendo!!!! You know who I am?! I am Oz! The great and powerful!! (If you don't get that reference, I'll die!)


Good! I'm proud of you *pat pat* JK... I'm mean. Some one stop meeee!


@SteelRosePetals Yes i do. lol. I got the reference