
Where's the author?  I really wanna say that they really made me happy by the books they made and I enjoyed reading it so much please add more chapters>_<T_T I really wanna read more of your books


@cherryblossoms542429 thank you so much I LOVE YOUUU!!! keep up the great work but also please take a break sometimes too


@cherryblossoms542429 I would just like to say thank you and I'm working on a chapter for A whisper in my ear. Oh, also I'm not dead ;)


I receive your check on the book when you said you’re creating another book called yuumika I would love to hear it I really love the fact that you made about Mika and yuu that one post that you made about these two that one blow my mind but if you are creating another one I would love to hear it and one more thing I really like the name as well but if the other people doesn’t like it I like it


Hey, in ‘Goodbye,’ you were saying that you have another account and you were leaving this one. I haven’t finished the book yet, so maybe you’re still using this account? I just wanted to know, so that I could read more of your books if there are any. :)