
Heres a line from the broken soul.
          	Shadow: "How was that for this training session commander?" My voice raspy and out of breath with my heart beating faster then a rocket with the Adrenalin spike. I think I did really well compared to last time didn't I?" behind my raspy voice was a sense of determination for improving.


Heres a line from the broken soul.
          Shadow: "How was that for this training session commander?" My voice raspy and out of breath with my heart beating faster then a rocket with the Adrenalin spike. I think I did really well compared to last time didn't I?" behind my raspy voice was a sense of determination for improving.


i want to say i am respecting GhillieCamo wishes in my UHA story since i did find a workaround so it will only have the groups (theatrically if they did exist in the same world they the groups in UHA are independent from the main group) [this is for context reasons so you understand what it would be like] anyway the groups will only share the same goals as the ones in Man in a beast world that as far as i will go for that.
          im just doing this so i can explain context