
I'm dreading the fact that I'll have to re-edit my books yet again after 1 year. The cringe of my stories and the comments are gonna make me cry.


I just logged back into my old account from 2020 I was such a big fan of yours i was so upset when “Secrets” was deleted 


Geez i'm getting bored of writing already i'm sorry guys :(. Just did 2 chapters in 3 hours, half finished. Most likely the next chapter for Little will be next week instead of this week. Yes it took 3 hours to make 2 chapters, i needed inspiration and kept going back and forth on Youtube to get it, by watching..videos ehe. Thank you for reading shits and giggle.


I confided with the person that originally requested the creation of Sweet Student and confirmed that there will be roughly 60 chapters in total. Though i may change it as i have other matters to attend and will not be able to write all the time. A large number yes, i beg to differ but, i will take it on. Thank you for reading Sweet Student.


Hello followers. I'm gonna make this short and simple. I'm back on Wattpad. Not entirely but i'm back. The only thing i will do now that i'm back, is to fix my ongoing books. That's all, it has been 2 years since this account was made as well as the books on here so i need to just end it to cure my soul. I've grown over the past 2 years and improved my English. That's all i wanted to say, and aso thank you for 300+ followers, that was my dream when i first started and i did it. So thank you very much. Have a nice day/night, bye!
          Vminkook4life <3