
Hmmm, I published this and my list says it's unpublished, however when I look at it directly it says it's published, but when I go to look it up I can't find it.


Thanks so much for the follow and for checking out my stories.  I hope you’ll enjoy them :)


I’ll check them out most definitely.  As far as getting stuck, it happens to everyone.  Just let it go a couple days and when inspiration hits write.  


@WPutman68 Thanks, and I know what you mean. Check out the two I have posted if you like...well, it's more like a book and a booklet, lol. The booklet has a variety of different things in it, but is a bit short. That one I work on when I'm stuck, and am trying to find my way back to my story. (Gets all teary eyed...sniffles) I even wrote a poem about...(sniffle) microwave in it. You'll understand when you read it, lol. Happy reading and writing my friend, and have a wonderful night.


Thank you!!!  Yeah I’ve been trying to catch my mistakes, but I’ll try your suggestions.  After doing some editing/polishing of my stories I think I’m either going to write a part two of The Black Eyed Children, or begin another I’ve already written a chapter for.  And yes, being able to write in all sorts of genera will make you a better writer.  I can’t seem to do that lol.  It’s either paranormal or nothing lol.
            Have a great one and please keep in touch!!!  :)


Along side of the two masterpieces I'm currently working on, I have begun an new exercise in trying to get bast writer's block. I've begun letting words just flow wherever they lead, and capturing them down on my screen. Maybe if I can get inspiration to flow this way, it'll unblock whatever was causing the stall in inspiration while working on my longer stories. Since each chapter in this book stands alone, I have no problem publishing them as they come. I have times when I can't get online, so updates to this book may end up few and far between, but when they do come, I'll publish everything I have all at once. Without inspiration, words don't flow. I hope this exercise helps unblock the inspiration I need to continue with my other works, and I hope you enjoy my random musings.


"The Huntress - Bloodlines and Destiny," and "Wilson Bay Secrets and Sacrifices" are the two books I'm working on right now. I've opted to not publish them until I have them finished, to avoid the whole "where's my update" thing. I'm really wondering if people will even like them though. I don't get online much, as you can see since I've messaged you everytime I've been on since your first message to me, and I know it'll be inevitable that some insensitive pricks out there will undoubtedly run off at the mouth about when I'll update next. I hate seeing that on other people's message boards, and my evil bitch side will undoubtedly demand I let her make an appearance in response. At one point I even went for months without being able to log in, and I'd hate to leave my faithful readers hanging on what's going to happen next. I am so not a patient person, but I do endeavor to try to be nice about it.   I am sooo torn though! 
          I do hope you're doing well, and please keep up the good work, 'cause you're really good. I mean it.


@Dragon_Seeking_Books  Oops! I accidentally messaged the world instead of directing the last message to you, I sorry. I hope you can still see it anyway.


Hiya! I love your profile hehe.
          I know, I’m going to be one of those annoying people but...You never know if you don’t try right? 
          I was wondering if you could check out my book? 
          (The Vampire’s Hidden Pet)
          I could really do with the honest feedback ☺️. I find its best to hear it straight from the reader themselves in order to improve as much as I can! . It’s got a lot of diverse characters, complex plot and (spoiler, it’s mainly Vampires and Werewolves) and since I saw a familiar theme on your reading list so I thought you may enjoy it and be a great person to hear your opinions from! 
          It is a 16+ book though with some 18+ chapters, but Let me know, thank you!! ♥️☺️


@Dragon_Seeking_Books   Happy New Year hun, I hope you're doing well.


@Dragon_Seeking_Books   That's cool, you're doing a great job. The two books I'm working on right now are taking some time for me to complete, since I keep running into walls. I swap between them when that happens, and hope to finish them sometime soon. My chapters have gotten somewhere north of 10,000 or so words at times, lol.


@VioletRose790 Thank you for the Feedback! And that’s good because the book is completely unedited and will only be edited once the book is completed. ♥️ there are several things in earlier chapters that need changing as the initial ideas I had for them have changed since then. As I update weekly with over 2000 words per chapter I don’t always have the time to re-read or manage to put what I wanted to/couldn’t word it properly but that will be changed once the book is completed! So I’m happy you are enjoying it, just know this is the unedited version ♥️