
          	IS RETURNING! 
          	HELLO EVERYONE! 
          	I know it's been a long time since you've heard from me, as I've stopped using wattpad to publish my stories. HOWEVER, I have been very busy in the background writing and editing the story over and over to make it the best it can be, and now I'm getting closer to actually publishing the book myself! Which is an amazing feeling I never dreamed of. I still have a long way to go, but to anyone who read the beginning of TOB and loved Solis, Pacem, Ezek and Concordia, know they are still here waiting for you, and they are coming! 
          	If your still interested in the story, comment below or message me directly with your email address, to be the first ones to hear about the launch and release within the next few seasons! Forgive me for not having a date yet, I have a lot of work to do still, but I'm not stopping. I can't wait to have my world in your hands! :) 
          	I won't be on wattpad anymore. 
          	But you can also follow me on Instagram, @vicmassey_author for future updates, INCLUDING THE FUTURE COVER REVEAL! 
          	Thank you to all to TOBs very first readers. I haven't forgotten you. ♡


          IS RETURNING! 
          HELLO EVERYONE! 
          I know it's been a long time since you've heard from me, as I've stopped using wattpad to publish my stories. HOWEVER, I have been very busy in the background writing and editing the story over and over to make it the best it can be, and now I'm getting closer to actually publishing the book myself! Which is an amazing feeling I never dreamed of. I still have a long way to go, but to anyone who read the beginning of TOB and loved Solis, Pacem, Ezek and Concordia, know they are still here waiting for you, and they are coming! 
          If your still interested in the story, comment below or message me directly with your email address, to be the first ones to hear about the launch and release within the next few seasons! Forgive me for not having a date yet, I have a lot of work to do still, but I'm not stopping. I can't wait to have my world in your hands! :) 
          I won't be on wattpad anymore. 
          But you can also follow me on Instagram, @vicmassey_author for future updates, INCLUDING THE FUTURE COVER REVEAL! 
          Thank you to all to TOBs very first readers. I haven't forgotten you. ♡


I have decided to repost T.O.B each week under careful supervision! I will be keeping my other stories offline for now, but I know many of you were devastated about T.O.B coming down. It was also all of you that kept me motivated to keep writing a new chapter each week. Without you I've lost track of my whole writing system (this has also been a very chaotic week for me lmfao) 
          SO WITH THAT! TOB is coming back to wattpad for now! Now forgive me for the very long re-publishing of 50+ parts (I wish there was an easier way to do this lol)


@Vic_Massey Sierra0113, I sent you a message a while ago. Did you get it?


I noticed that The Outlawed Bloodlines is not back up yet, I was really enjoying the story and have been slacking on checking Wattpad recently so when I logged back in for the first time in a while I was surprised to see it gone, however I understand your reasoning for taking it down. Is there an email list I can sign up for to get notification if you ever get it published or it becomes available again? Thanks! 


@Vic_Massey aww thanks hon! Love you! 


          I regret to announce to the many people who have been enjoying my stories, specifically The Outlawed Bloodlines, that today, I have decided to temporarily unpublish TOB, and the rest of my stories, for now. I will be leaving up the reviews I've done, but that is all. 
          And the reason why I'm doing this, breaks my heart.
          Apparently many wattpad authors are having their accounts reported, stories taken down for no reason, or, they're stories stolen and sold on other sites. 
          It is my dream to be an author, and I have put my heart and soul and years into my writing. I am trying to tie it all together now, and was using wattpad to help me. However, due to circumstances and rumors, I no longer feel my work is safe on this platform. In fact, I am considering halting posting TOB on any platform until the manuscript is finished.
          I apologize to so many of you, and this wasn't a decision I wanted to make. This hurts me, truly. But I will protect my work. Perhaps if wattpad can properly handle these scandals and issues, maybe, I will consider republishing on wattpad.
          My account will remain open and active with future updates to come. Be sure to stay tuned for any further announcements. I'm so sorry...


@Vic_Massey thanks so much hon!!! 


@Vic_Massey OMG, This is so sad! Hope this gets over fast and you'll be able to update again... You have our support!


Hey guys! See this name: @FireflyHunter 
          Well soon you'll see this name everywhere! This writer is new to wattpad and posting her manuscript for the first time! She even drew her own cover, which as an artist I can admire! 
          Please go check her out and give her some love! 


@Vic_Massey your welcome! :)


@Vic_Massey Thank you so much for the shoutout!!


Last week I posted the new T.O.B chapter one day late. So this week, I have decided to give you Chapter Fifty one day early! Haha! I'm really proud of this chapter, I think it really is one of my better writing pieces! 


I'm hosting the Ever After Awards and we're looking for participants! Check my profile if you're interested in joining :)


Ok! Just check out the rules again and fill out the form :)


@emmaeverafter oop. My bad, I must have missed that part when reading XD
            Okay hon, I guess I'm in :D