
So today is my little brother's birthday. He is now another year older, a few more inches taller and he continues to grow like a beanstalk. Even though sometimes he can drive me up a tree...I will always love him and think of him as my little brother. he will be taller than me so it's going to fun to tell people that he is the youngest sibling.
          	Happy Birthday to all those born in May! 


So today is my little brother's birthday. He is now another year older, a few more inches taller and he continues to grow like a beanstalk. Even though sometimes he can drive me up a tree...I will always love him and think of him as my little brother. he will be taller than me so it's going to fun to tell people that he is the youngest sibling.
          Happy Birthday to all those born in May! 


So yesterday I did a lot of heavy lifting at a medieval renaissance fair. Carrying boxes, armor and other stuff but now I'm feeling all of it from my shoulders to the middle of my back. I was so stiff this morning that when I moved all of my joints cracked. Really really loudly! You would think Snap, Crackle and Pop would cover those sounds but not by a long shot. It was more of like Snap! Crack! And Pop!
          But I will try to post a new chapter to my story or a new story by the end of the day. Enjoy your day! :)


So yesterday was my birthday!  I am another year older and I still don't want to grow up. "Sigh" I guess it's just one of those things.
          So happy birthday to anyone who was born in January and I hope you all have a great year! 
          My new year resolution is that I will be writing and posting more of stories that I have floating around in my head and putting them onto paper and then finally posting them onto wattpad. I'm also working on some stories to post to but I have to make myself an account first. If you guys have anyone questions or comments about anything I will or am writing please don't hesitate to ask me. 


Sorry everyone who has been following me. I've been really busy lately and feeling very down. The reason why I have not been posting any new chapters is because I was busy with school and when that was over I was feeling depressed. Every year since I was about 15 when it gets close to Christmas I start feeling like I want to just stay in bed and cry. If anyone ever says something rude, upsetting or angry I just want to go and hide.
           I don't know why I feel like this and when I do I get major writer's block. I've been going over my story and I just want to let you all know that I will be reposting it again with more details and things added or changed. 
          I hope to get back in the swing of things soon and that you will all enjoy and still do enjoying reading my story. I hope to post another story soon called "Star Raiders" and that you will enjoy that one too.      Please feel free to ask me any questions you have and feel free to leave comments on what I post.
          I'm not saying that you have to post comments, but it would really help me to write my story if I knew what every one thinks about it. 
           Thank you for following me and I will write more soon. Promise!


Still working on the story and every other story I have. Just hoping the cats will leave me alone long enough. *gives evil glare to one of the cats* Please be patient with me and I will post when possible. And a big thanks to those who are following me. Please leave a message or question if you have any either to me directly or in the comments. TY :)


Sorry I haven't posted any new chapters to my story. I've been really busy lately and I haven't had anytime. Plus I might redo something's in the chapters I've already posted just to add a few missed details or correct something's. I will try to post more soon. If you have any questions or ideas then feel to message me. I'd love to hear what you have to say. :)