
The first chapter of The Occultic Huntsmen is now out! Come check it out!


@UserWriter99 is because you had a job or school?


No, I have stated that I will continue, and the reason I haven't been answering was because I was a lot more busier then usual. I barely had enough time writhe the first chapter.


@UserWriter99 Damn and here i thought it got discontinued or something since you haven't been replying to any of us for the past month 


Furthermore, the title and its subject topic, the color line barrier decoration, and the eye picture symbol, they were all so burry and bright it like neon without the brightness but the width spread when lighting (like I said once) without the brightness.
          At last, I woke up literally and remember the dream/vision I had but never paid much attention, sometime later, I went to your Home Page with the lists of Published Stories, and didn’t saw your RWBY and Earth: The Occultic Huntsmen. However, it was on the weekends, so I woke up Saturday or Sunday, but it was on the weekends
          That’s all.
          The end.


In addition, the thumbnail of the book was kind of similar to the actual one that have published. The color was not black or jet black, but rather dark brown or brown in the main color of the book thumbnail.
          The title’s colors, “RWBY (color of red) And (color of black or jet black) Earth (the same color of all your books series of R&E). It’s position was located up, down, or center, (I didn’t really paid much attention to the dream/vision) but inside the color line barrier decoration, not down in your actual one. It’s font size shape was still the same.
          The color line barrier decoration was the color of gold yellow or highlighted yellow marker, wasn’t pale or light-ish mono yellow you have colored it on the actual one. And the subject topic (The Occultic Huntsmen) didn’t exist or was to burry to notice in my dream/vision. The “Eye” picture symbol wasn’t even a eye because it looked burry, but did have the shape of an eye.


In my second/last semester of my sophomore year, somewhere in February, or March, or maybe April of 2024, I don’t really know, “cause I didn’t paid much attention to the dream or should say vision”.
          I had dream of me woke up, lying in my bed in early morning, then sitting upwards, and having my iPad in my lap on wattpad in your Home Page with the lists of Published Stories, and then I saw your recently RWBY and Earth: The Occultic Huntsmen.


The first chapter of The Occultic Huntsmen is now out! Come check it out!


@UserWriter99 is because you had a job or school?


No, I have stated that I will continue, and the reason I haven't been answering was because I was a lot more busier then usual. I barely had enough time writhe the first chapter.


@UserWriter99 Damn and here i thought it got discontinued or something since you haven't been replying to any of us for the past month 


Hey, so, I know that you’re probably not going to see this message, mainly cause you’re busy with your next stories, but, is it okay if I write a fanfic about your story so far? It’s about an alternate turn of events that happen during Sonic String’s final climax that causes a new RWBY and Earth III universe to be born, unleashing a new threat bigger than Salem and the Brother Gods. I call it: RWBY and Earth III: An Alternate Frontier. So, if you’d like, can I please write it? And please take your time with your stories. We’re all very patient and love your stories with our hearts.