
this message may be offensive
So today my friends were told on by some bitch so I thought I would be sent to the office as well. So when my teacher got the phone call and called 3 of my friends in the office but I didn't so I was like BITCH YOU FORGOT ME.


this message may be offensive
So today my friends were told on by some bitch so I thought I would be sent to the office as well. So when my teacher got the phone call and called 3 of my friends in the office but I didn't so I was like BITCH YOU FORGOT ME.


OMG GUYS I saw a guy at The mall That looked just like cas me and my sister were freaking out so he walke away and i kept saying to my sister that shes never gonna see him again but was lying that I saw him walking near us but  then he came into view and my sister screams "its really him!!!" I didnt believe her until I saw him myself and I jumped at her and hit her glasses and just stared at him as he walked away :3