
Anyone who reads the first chapter of ‘A Court of Starry Nights’ could you tell me is there’s a picture at the beginning of chapter 1 or not? It’s not showing up when I view as a reader but it is when I edit it. Thanks, all! :))


Anyone who reads the first chapter of ‘A Court of Starry Nights’ could you tell me is there’s a picture at the beginning of chapter 1 or not? It’s not showing up when I view as a reader but it is when I edit it. Thanks, all! :))


I was wondering if I could interest you in checking out my Yellowstone story, "Yellowstone: Love and Cowboys". It's kind of different compared to the others here, but I must be doing something right because I seem to have my fans. If you check it out, great, and thank you


I’ve been thinking about making my Han Jisung from my FanFiction; Helpful(focused mainly on ChangLix) transgender? FtM. Any thoughts on that? I’m not transgender myself but I just feel like it would be good represent that community instead of just BoysLove. Pleeeaasseeee, please, please respond to this, I’d like to have your guys’ input :))
          Hope everyone’s all safe and sound! <3


I’d like my followers opinion(Though it’s more of a warning :P). I’ve started writing the next chapter for Badass and I was just wondering how much of Chan’s past you’d like to know? I could put it all or just hint to things. If I do not get a response that’s just as well, I’ll add however much I feel is necessary. 
          Regards, Author-Nim~~