
          	For those of y'all that stayed around, I thank you! The last few months of my life have been crazy, but I can finally put time back into my writing. I have finals this week, but then I am going to focus on putting out chapters again. I wanted to put this out there to get an idea on what y'all wanted to see. Including: POV's, certain reactions, relationships, and so on. If you have any ideas, please let me knew!


@Umm_okk_ Can the twins potters and there grandfather have a great love between three them please and thank you


          For those of y'all that stayed around, I thank you! The last few months of my life have been crazy, but I can finally put time back into my writing. I have finals this week, but then I am going to focus on putting out chapters again. I wanted to put this out there to get an idea on what y'all wanted to see. Including: POV's, certain reactions, relationships, and so on. If you have any ideas, please let me knew!


@Umm_okk_ Can the twins potters and there grandfather have a great love between three them please and thank you


Hey y’all, I’m starting the next chapter soon. Who’s POV do you want to read from first? 


@JessicaMacGregor7 Sorry this is so late. Yes you will! They will be introduced into the book within the next few chapters.


@Umm_okk_  I am with  fflover12 on this one when will everyone will see if James and other people who are die or not?


@Umm_okk_ poseidon please since he is percy father can't wait for any pov chapter though 


Both of my books where taken down because of copyright infringement. 
          While I did not copy anyone’s idea for the book it’s self, they both were fan fiction. The only thing I can think of why this happened is because of the source I got the actual book from. 
          If you have any ideas on how I can get my books back, please let me know. 


Disclaimers- (please read)
          I put this at the bottom of the story, but I’m also going to put it here. 
          I will use my conversation board to announce things, put disclaimers, and ask questions. 
          If I have a question for y’all to answer I will ask it here. If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask them!
          If you see a mistake in my grammar, selling, etc. in the story, please let me know. I am extremely open to constructive criticism. The errors may occur because I am dyslexic (reading/writing disability), still in high school, and not a professional writer. 
          I write these books for fun and because I like reading books like this, but what a specific ending. I’m a control freak. 
          Lastly, UPDATES WILL BE SPORADIC. This is because I’m still in high school, I’m caption of two teams, and I have an after school job. Sometimes I will post updates every week, something’s it might be every other week. I can’t promise a permanent schedule because it really depends on my week-to-week schedule. But please believe I will try my hardest!
          I hope y’all understand! Have a great day!


@wolfieriddle Yes ma’am (I hope I got that right). The story will be centered around Percy’s life, while also seeing some of Harry’s and Hestia’s. 


Question about the new book (The Truth)- 
          I’m going to have Harry with Ginny (that I have decided on) but I need y’all’s opinion on who Hestia should be with. 
          If I go with someone from the wizarding world, it will probably be Fred. Would y’all like to see that? Do you have any other ideas of who it should be? 


@Umm_okk_ Or Charlie Weasley (Fred seems overdone for OC romances). Or Draco Malfoy (starting out as enemies but they gradually get together).


It could be a God, but I have seen a lot of those, and I want something different. And I’m just a whore for Fred Weasley 


I just wanted to let y’all know I will not have a chapter up this week. Life got very hectic and I’m still trying to catch up. 
          I promise I will have a chapter up at some point on Sunday. Thank you for understanding! 
          Ps… I have a lot of different ideas (wink, wink) coming soon 
          Love y’all.