
Just started working on another story on a channel called @Defying-duo, i'm currently doing a post-apocalyptic story with another writer Addie Prather (@musicgirl5202)


Hi, I'm Afrid. So I have recently begun writing a new story, The killer Hunt. I need more readers and so I thought if you could help me by reading my story..Thanks:)


@afrid2002 No problem, I wish you luck on your stories!


@afrid2002 yeah you're right. I get it. See, I don't advertise anyone my other two stories. Because they are few K reads already and will get on its own. But since I have started something new, I just want to start off. Very very few people would read a story 2 or 3 reads even if it's a masterpiece. Thanks for the advice tho


@afrid2002 This sounds like a really interesting story, and it's good that you're putting yourself out there. But you're going about this all wrong. When you go around, basically begging people to read your story, they might do it out of pity, if you're lucky. What you should do is comment meaningful things on other, more popular stories, and regularly post quality chapters to your story. That's what's going to get you reads, not soliciting pity reads, no offence.
            PS. Just some constructive criticism


Do you know when you're going to update 'One moment, one chance'? 


Okay I hope so to 


@whitetiger342 Because of my other stories, and school, I don't really know when I can post pretty much anything, I have to post when I can, hopefully soon.


I know, I've just resumed posting for 'One Moment, Once Chance', but recently I've found a writing competition called "Philosophy Through Fiction', it's a Short story competition with a prize of 500$, unfortunately i'm not allowed to publish my story on Wattpad until six months after March 31 of 2016 for legal reasons, so I wont risk disqualification by putting the name of the story on Wattpad either, but I guarantee, it's gonna be good! :)


So, I'm going to have to postpone 'One Moment, One Chance' for a time :/ but I'll be able to put all of my effort into the competition, hopefully I'll do well!