
Question for everyone. If you were to be reincarnated as a Pokemon in the Pokemon world with trainers everywhere. What type of Pokemon would you be? Fan made Pokemon to be specific? Normal Pokemon? Or a Pseudo Legendary one? 
          	And would you let yourself be captured by a trainer? For example someone like Ash or Kiawe or a OC of yours. 


A Shiny Ditto that way I can be every pokemon 


@Ultrautahraptor I would like to be Darkrai because that’s just plain awesome and fits the overpower vibe a main character usually has or gets. I would also say I don’t get captured but do help the trainer who could potentially be anyone. If I didn’t have to pick a mythical, then Groudon, and if not a legendary, then a Tyranitar, and then if not that then Bulbasaur because why not, I love the little guy.


Question for everyone. If you were to be reincarnated as a Pokemon in the Pokemon world with trainers everywhere. What type of Pokemon would you be? Fan made Pokemon to be specific? Normal Pokemon? Or a Pseudo Legendary one? 
          And would you let yourself be captured by a trainer? For example someone like Ash or Kiawe or a OC of yours. 


A Shiny Ditto that way I can be every pokemon 


@Ultrautahraptor I would like to be Darkrai because that’s just plain awesome and fits the overpower vibe a main character usually has or gets. I would also say I don’t get captured but do help the trainer who could potentially be anyone. If I didn’t have to pick a mythical, then Groudon, and if not a legendary, then a Tyranitar, and then if not that then Bulbasaur because why not, I love the little guy.


Are you doing OK ultraraptor 


What would be your definition of okay, dude? Wanna make sure your doing well.


@S773510 Depends on what your definition of okay is. 


Hey The thing we were doing is gone thanks to what Wattpad did so you want to continue on something else or if not we can stop.


@Jacobson02760 On the chapter we were originally doing it but if not I understand.


Ark survival evolved in Pandora from Avatar 
          I been thinking of making this story since surprisingly there aren't any crossover between them. I mean it would make some sense for someone to make a crossover between these two franchises. Plus it would make sense if we follow the story of Ark Survival Evolved. 
          Of course the main character will be someone that was Isekai into that world and would tame a injured creature. I'm thinking of making him also upgrade or 'evolve' himself like in the game as well as some of his tames. Although I'm not sure if I should do it. 
          What do you guys think?


@Ultrautahraptor its sounds interesting you should go for


@Ultrautahraptor true besides I wonder how much chaos would happen I mean enemy humans have to deal with Pandora natives and Dinosaurs, Dragons and Wyverns


First chapter of my rewrite story is out


@Ultrautahraptor When will you update your Transformers Prime story?


Not gonna lie I'm finished with the first rewrite chapter of my first story but I'm kinda nervous in publishing it because of Wattpad. Should I release it?


@Ultrautahraptor make a copy first if you're going to publish it better safe than sorry 