/      cb  for  an  one  liner   +++   specify  a  mood


/    maam  i  need  some  nice  tingz


/ yes and sisterly
          	  times whether this be a argument or not -


lay off mere , alright ? 


that’s fine if you don’t want another sibling , i probably wouldn’t either , but she hasn’t done anything to you so why not at least try being nice ? i know that may sound like a foreign concept to you but please , it’d be good for the both of you . 


@bitchymorale        ♡  ˒˒⌃ ̋  ̷         i  don’t  necessarily  hate  her,     i  don’t  like  her.     and  honestly  i  don’t  want  or  need  a  bond  with  her.     i  have  a  great  bond  with  one  of  my  siblings,     and  that’s  enough  for  me.     if  she  wants  a  sister,    then  she  knows  where  to  find  bella  and  sophia.


no . what’d she even do to you to make you hate her so much ? 


you  still  haven’t  made  up  with  mere?


@girlsIikeyou       ♡  ˒˒⌃ ̋  ̷       why  would  i  make  up  with  someone  i  don’t  like          *  audrey  replied,    quirking  a  brow  at  the  redhead  in  front  of  her  *         by  now  you  should  know  me  well  enough  to  know  i’m  only  nice  to  people  that  i  can  actually  stand.     and  i  dislike  meredith.


/      cb  for  an  one  liner   +++   specify  a  mood


/    maam  i  need  some  nice  tingz


/ yes and sisterly
            times whether this be a argument or not -


@GOLDENGIRLISMS                  you  should  be  out  with  will    ,    doing  couply  stuff    ,    and  going  to  the  beach  and  getting  ice  cream  and  go  shopping    ,    and  spend  time  with  your  brother  instead  of  worrying  over  me    .    i  seriously  feel  like  burden  right  now    .    i  want  to  hide  away  so  badly    ,    soph    .    i  want  to  go  cry  into  my  pillow  and  listen  to  sad  songs  without  bothering  anyone    .    and  forcing  you  to  stay  with  me  through  that  would  make  me  an  actual  burden    .           *  she  ran  a  hand  through  her  curls  before  huffing  out  a  breath  through  her  nose  *            i  love  you    .    you  are  my  best  friend    ,    my  sister    ,    and  that’s  why  i  want  you  to  go  out  and  enjoy  your  summer    .


@GOLDENGIRLISMS                  ugh    ,    i’m  sorry    .    you’re  in  a  good  mood  with  will  and  all    ,    and  i  don’t  want  to  ruin  that    .    i  should  just  stay  inside  for  a  couple  days    ,    coop  myself  up  and  have  that  mental  breakdown  i’m  supposed  to  have    .    you  go  out    ,    have  fun  with  will    .    i  don’t  want  to  bring  you  down  or  ruin  your  summer    .          *  she  stated  with  a  soft    ,    semi-fake  smile  while  pulling  away  from  the  hug  she  was  engulfed  in  *


@GOLDENGIRLISMS                  it’s  okay    ,    soph    .    you  don’t  need  to  fix  things  for  me    .    i  made  a  HUGE  mistake    ,    and  i’m  finally  paying  the  consequences    .    honestly    ,    i  deserve  it    .          *  she  muttered    ,    letting  some  tears  roll  down  her  cheeks  *           i  honestly  just  want  to  coop  myself  up  in  my  room  and  never  come  out  again    .    it  just—   seemed  so  easy  in  the  beginning    .    johnny  was  at  your  family’s  lake  house    ,    i  was  here    ,    but  he  just  had  to  come  here    .    i  know  i  can’t  tell  him  not  to    ,    but  it  was  so  much  easier    .    i  could  pretend  i  was  fine  and  keep  that  up  as  long  as  i  needed  to    ,    just  like  i  did  when  he  was  london    .    but  facing  him  just  makes  the  whole  situation  worse  because  it  makes  me  realize  how  much  i  miss  him    .