So I have like quotes from games and stuff I will release the first 10 over 10 days but I do need more quotes and stuff so like give me one from a game or something or make one up and give it to me (use credit) and I will read it and might use it :))


So I have like quotes from games and stuff I will release the first 10 over 10 days but I do need more quotes and stuff so like give me one from a game or something or make one up and give it to me (use credit) and I will read it and might use it :))


Yall, well there's only 2 of you :') anyways, I want to write and I have an idea but its from Honki and I don't play the game enough to know about that character. I also don't know what even to write lol. Like I feel I have ideas but like idk anymore :'D


@UNKNOWNLIFE- Yoilutube is yhe answer blud.