
Gonna start updating stories chapters my demon slayer book mostly more often, I'll get to Kwaso story soon.


Hey! Sorry I haven't messaged in a while. How have you been?


@Angel_Unimingo aah I see. The reason why I had to transfer. If cause ever since I started high school. It was in the middle of the COVID. I started from online. To person, to moving away and up to now. My family wanted to move for a long time. So it prevented me growing major bonds. I've created so much from my old high skool I was supposed to graduate in. But moving was needed. So I had to start over. And I don't like ppl here much. Cause some are immature or straight up rude


@Tweakjafolfwriting Oof here they give us paper work, uni recommendations, offer to let us stay on for sixth form, they give us like a ton of support.  And I don't know if I can, I have GCSES (really important life changing exams) in two years and I've already started some of the courses so it's hard to relax with the threat of that hanging over .y head. If I may ask, why did you have to transfer so much?


@Angel_Unimingo yeah it really. Ty! And not much really. It's just a paper and a cap to get you to a level where u are as pro. Lol but make sure u enjoy your last years of high school. Cause I had to transfer back and forth to different schools.


Hey Tweak how are you! I am just here to check on you


@NoobSpy OMDAWG! So sorry you had to deal with me gone XD and no I'm not ded yet lol. I'm just more active on other platforms. But I promise u I'm not ded. And I'm just busy irl and I'll be trying to be more active on here. So make more doodles etc. Sometimes I just gotta take as much time needed. ^^


@NoobSpy OH THANKS GOD!!! You didn't died. Without you I will be very sad for your amazing drawing and it made me really heart broken


@NoobSpy hello Noobspy. Thx for the checkup. It's been rough on my end and I have been doing other things and soon alot of of other things are gonna come up. But luckily I'm doing ok so far.