
I hate being an adult and having to go to work. I miss high school solely for the fact that I could zone out during class and write. The rest of it kinda sucked. But having so much free time was nice. Granted I never did homework....or paid attention. BUT I GRADUATED. With good grades too. :p


I hate being an adult and having to go to work. I miss high school solely for the fact that I could zone out during class and write. The rest of it kinda sucked. But having so much free time was nice. Granted I never did homework....or paid attention. BUT I GRADUATED. With good grades too. :p


Thanks for voting on my story


part 3 will be up fri or sat


Thanks, Part Two is up :)


I want to write a new grump fic but I have no idea what the pairing should be? Suggestions? Ideas?


@Ttaterr I'd like to hear some more about Holly. I really liked the scene in Falling Into Place where she is defending the little bird on the ground. I feel like she could be a striking and formidable character.


Sometimes (all the time) I'll read my own stories and wish that the author would update so I know whats next...then I remember I'm the author, and I need to update.  Sorry for not updating.
          I'm just as upset as you are tbh