
Hey y’all! I just wanted to say that I have amino! ( woops I need to check in... ) anyways! My user is Floating/Fairy in the BNHA amino, go say hi! 


aaahhh your bg is so cute~!


OH MY BACKGROUND yeah! I had a friend on amino make it for me, she did it for free and everything, made sure I like the hair and all, she’s a really sweet person! 


Thanks!(?) (not sure I understand but thank you!) 


Thank you all for following me! I don't update a lot, because I just can't usually find the time, but I do write in the stories, trust me! ( I have like five unposted chapters in a few books ) anyways, love you guys to bits! Also, comment your favorite emoji if you want a face reveal!  Bye! ❤️


Hey guys! Just saying, I hope you all liked the first part of the Fairy Tail fanfic, if you haven't read it yet, go read it now! Sorry I haven't been able to update. * gives reason all other wattpad users have given * no joke tho, for homework in math I had to draw sonic. * bumps chest twice * Im looking at you, Mr.Teacherman